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MB Sample ID: SA164010

Local Sample ID:feces_Neg_CN_9A2D_F
Subject ID:SU001833
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Genotype Strain:C57BL/6
Age Or Age Range:7-8 week old
Gender:Male and female

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Collection ID:CO001826
Collection Summary:Prior to sacrifice and sample harvest, all mice were observed under their original housing conditions for one week; animals were not considered if they exhibited significant signs of serious injury or morbidity (e.g. malocclusion or fight wounds). Upon euthanization in CO2 chambers, feces, bulk brain, and heart blood sera were harvested, snap-frozen, and stored in -80 ºC freezer before analysis.
Sample Type:Feces
Storage Conditions:-80℃