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MB Sample ID: SA178290

Local Sample ID:144
Subject ID:SU002004
Subject Type:Invertebrate
Subject Species:Drosophila melanogaster
Taxonomy ID:7227
Gender:Male and female

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Collection ID:CO001997
Collection Summary:We collected virgin males and females into vials with banana medium under light CO2 anesthesia within 8 hours of eclosion, except D. virilis, which was collected within 12 hours of eclosion. Flies were reared on banana media. For targeted analysis 3 flies from each sex/genotype combination at 5 and 31 days of age were flash frozen and stored at -80°C. For untargeted analysis five days old flies in groups of 10 flies were flash frozen in 1.5 mL tubes in liquid N2 and stored at -80°C until metabolite extraction
Sample Type:Insect tissue
Storage Conditions:-80℃