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MB Sample ID: SA183459

Local Sample ID:61
Subject ID:SU002022
Subject Type:Other organism
Subject Species:Thalassiosira pseudonana
Taxonomy ID:296543
Genotype Strain:CCMP1335

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Collection ID:CO002015
Collection Summary:During this synthetic bloom experiment, axenic cultures of the diatom Thalssiosira pseudonana CCMP1335 (National Center for Marine Algae) were inoculated with equal cell numbers of the heterotrophic bacteria Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 (Rhodobacterales), Stenotrophomonas sp. SKA-14 (Xanthomonadales), and Polaribacter dokdonensis MED-152 (Flavobacteriales) and co-cultured for 20 d. Co-cultured diatoms were harvested at day 3 and day 15, as well as axenic cultures (diatom only) day 15. Subsamples of 700-1000 ml were filtered onto 2.0 µm pore-size Isopore (Millipore, Burlington, MA) filters. Filters were stored in 50 ml falcon tubes at -80°C until processing.
Collection Protocol Filename:2_Collection protocol_UGA_phytoplankton_ Aug2021.docx
Collection Protocol Comments:Details are in 2_Collection protocol_UGA_phytoplankton_ Aug2021.docx.
Sample Type:Algae
Storage Conditions:-80℃