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MB Sample ID: SA196397

Local Sample ID:SRC-3 WT ZT0 replicate2 neg
Subject ID:SU002162
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090

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Collection ID:CO002155
Collection Summary:To further define the 12-hour clock lipidome, we used a temporal lipidomics-based approach to identify hepatic lipid species in the mouse whole-liver. To unbiasedly characterize the 12-hour cycling lipidomes regulated by SRC-3, we profiled the temporal characteristics of oscillating lipidomes from adult male SRC-3 WT and KO littermates at 12-16 weeks of age under the same ZT condition (12h:12h LD cycle). We then sampled two biological replicates of mouse liver tissues at a temporal resolution starting at ZT0 and proceeding every four hours for two complete 12-hour cycles to determine whether SRC-3 ablation perturbs the 12-hour clock lipidome. 
Sample Type:Liver