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MB Sample ID: SA211464

Local Sample ID:Maryam_2nd-set_Urine_DC_Vaccine_D9_D16
Subject ID:SU002294
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Genotype Strain:C57BL/6J
Gender:Not applicable
Animal Animal Supplier:Jackson Labs (Bar Harbor, ME)
Animal Housing:Housed in a temperature of 22 oC
Animal Light Cycle:12-hour light/12-hour dark
Animal Water:free access to food and water (3-5 animals per cage).

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Collection ID:CO002287
Collection Summary:Intakt urine samples were collected from C57/Bl6 mice. Urine is collected from a clean surface after urination.
Sample Type:Urine
Collection Method:Each animal was in a separate chamber individually. The chamber bottom was covered with clean parafilm. Animals were kept in the chamber until urination. Urine drops were collected using sterile syringes. Samples were stored at -80 °C until further analysis.
Collection Location:University of Florida, Neurosurgery Department, Medical college, University of Florida
Collection Frequency:Post-vaccination day 1, day 8, day 12, day 16, and day 20
Collection Duration:~30 minutes
Volumeoramount Collected:~100 uL
Storage Conditions:-80℃
Collection Vials:cryovials
Storage Vials:cryovials