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MB Sample ID: SA290902

Local Sample ID:20220113_Cowley3_OM_10_10-470_HILICpos
Subject ID:SU002867
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Rattus norvegicus
Taxonomy ID:10116

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Collection ID:CO002860
Collection Summary:Plasma was collected through an arterial and renal venous catheter throughout the study (200 µL of arterial and renal venous blood were sampled at the day 7, 14, and 21). Overnight urine (18 hours) from the day before the blood draw was collected on ice. The kidneys were collected either at 14 days of HS (HS14) or 21 days of HS (HS21). The kidneys of only LS fed SD rats were also collected for comparison. The collected kidneys (n=5 for each group for metabolomics) were dissected to cortex and outer medulla and snap frozen with liquid nitrogen. Plasma, urine and tissue were stored in -80°C until further analysis.
Sample Type:Kidney outer medulla
Storage Conditions:-80?