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MB Sample ID: SA297460

Local Sample ID:2021-01-31 JL10 SO2 MRM TR2_1-C
Subject ID:SU002885
Subject Type:Amphibian
Subject Species:Xenopus laevis
Taxonomy ID:8355

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Collection ID:CO002878
Collection Summary:The Spemann-Mangold Organizer (SMO) was lineage-traced under epifluorescence and isolated in a 2% (w/v) agarose-coated Petri dish containing 50% SS. The dissected SMO tissues and the remainder embryo (RE) were collected in LoBind Eppendorf tubes separately, and processed using our established protocols for metabolomic analysis. For MS-based metabolomics of the TCA cycle and glycolysis, 10 dissections of SMO and RE were pooled as 1 BR. For targeted quantification of reduced and oxidized glutathione, 20 tissues of SMO and RE were dissected and pooled as one BR. The dissected tissues were stored in LC-MS-grade methanol at −80 °C until sample processing.
Sample Type:Dissected organizer from Xenopus laevis