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MB Sample ID: SA299248

Local Sample ID:180821_Smp_MS9C215m_C.mzML
Subject ID:SU002896
Subject Type:Other organism
Subject Species:Natural mixed marine microbial community

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Collection ID:CO002889
Collection Summary:Samples were collected aboard the R/V Kilo Moana in June and July 2017. Water was collected with Niskin bottles attached to the CTD from the surface and the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), and 175 meters depth. Water was filtered onto a 0.2um pore size filter under gentle vacuum pressure prior to flash-freezing in LN2 before storage at -80 in precombusted aluminum foil. Samples were collected in two stages, the first of which was a transect across the entire eddy dipole from one edge to another while the second stage was a long-term Lagrangian occupation of the eddy centers (L1 = cyclone @ -12cm, L2 = anticyclone @ +25cm). Samples for the transect were collected throughout the day while the eddy center samples were all collected at about 6pm.
Sample Type:Suspended Marine Particulate Matter
Collection Method:CTD Niskin Bottle
Collection Location:North Pacific
Volumeoramount Collected:10L
Storage Conditions:-80℃