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MB Sample ID: SA322005

Local Sample ID:20
Subject ID:SU003070
Subject Type:Plant
Subject Species:Thalassiosira pseudonana
Taxonomy ID:296543

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Collection ID:CO003063
Collection Summary:Based on pre-experimental axenic growth curves, harvests occurred at days 3 (28°C), 4 (20°C), and 6 (14°C), starting 7 h into the light cycle. At each harvest, subsamples of 600 mL were filtered onto 2.0-µm Isopore filters (Millipore, Burlington, MA) for diatom endometabolite analysis and stored in 50-mL centrifuge tubes at -80°C.
Collection Protocol Filename:2_Collection protocol_UGA_temp_Oct2023_main.docx
Sample Type:Algae
Storage Conditions:-80℃