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MB Sample ID: SA331333

Local Sample ID:Donor_9_Plasma_before_Omega3_2
Subject ID:SU003165
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Gender:Male and female

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Collection ID:CO003158
Collection Summary:SERUM/PLASMA: Blood samples were obtained at baseline and after 7 days intake of the study medication. On both study days two blood samples using 6 mL K3EDTA and serum collection tubes (both Vacuette, Greiner Bio-One GmbH, Kremsmünster, Austria) were obtained from each subject. EDTA-anticoagulated tubes were carefully inverted two times after blood draw and centrifuged immediately at room temperature at 2000 g for 10 min. In contrast, filled serum tubes were carefully inverted after blood draw and placed to sit upright for 15 to 30 minutes to allow clot formation. Then, tubes were centrifuged at room temperature at 2000 g for 10 min. Directly after centrifugation, 500 µL of plasma or serum, respectively, were transferred into pre-labelled Eppendorf safe-lock tubes and stored at -80°C until analysis.
Sample Type:Blood (serum) and blood (plasma)