Summary of Study ST001838

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001160. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8RT34 This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST001838
Study TitleReversing Epigenetic Gene Silencing to Overcome Immune Evasion in CNS Malignancies
Study SummaryGlioblastoma is an aggressive brain malignancy with a dismal prognosis. With emerging evidence that disproves the immune privileged environment in the brain, there is much interest in examining various immunotherapy strategies to treat these incurable cancers. Unfortunately, to date, clinical studies investigating immunotherapy regimens have not provided much evidence of efficacy, leading to questions about the suitability of immunotherapy strategies for these tumors. Inadequate inherent populations of lymphocytes in tumor (TILs) and limited trafficking of systemic circulating T cells into the central nervous system (CNS) likely contribute to the poor response to immunotherapy treatment for primary CNS cancers. This paucity of TILs is in concert with the finding of epigenetic silencing of genes that promote immune cell movement (chemotaxis) to the tumor. In this study we evaluated the ability of GSK126, a blood-brain barrier permeable small molecule inhibitor of EZH2, to reverse the epigenetic silencing of chemokines like CXCL9 and CXCL10. When combined with anti-PD-1 treatment, these IFN driven chemokines promote T cell infiltration, resulting in decreased tumor growth and enhanced survival in immunocompetent murine sub-cutaneous and intracranial tumor syngeneic models of GBM. Examination of the tumor micro-environment revealed that the decrease in tumor growth in the mice treated with the drug combination was accompanied by increased tumor CD8 T cell infiltration along with higher IFN expression. Additionally, a significant increase in CXCR3+ T cells in the draining lymph nodes was also found. Taken together, our data suggests that in glioblastoma, epigenetic modulation using GSK126 could improve current immunotherapy strategies by reversing the epigenetic changes that enable immune cell evasion leading to enhanced immune cell trafficking to the tumor.
National Cancer Institute
DepartmentNeuro-Oncology Branch
LaboratoryCancer Metabolism
Last NameDowdy
First NameTyrone
Address37 convent dr, Bldg 37 rm 1142
Submit Date2021-06-11
Raw Data AvailableYes
Raw Data File Type(s)d
Analysis Type DetailLC-MS
Release Date2021-06-30
Release Version1
Tyrone Dowdy Tyrone Dowdy application/zip

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Collection ID:CO001908
Collection Summary:All animal experiments were performed following the guidelines stipulated by the NCI-Bethesda Animal Care and Use Committee. All murine studies were performed using female albino C57BL/6 mice, 6-8 weeks of age, procured from Jackson Laboratories (Bar Harbor, ME). For sub-cutaneous tumor studies, 6x10^6 cells of stably transduced CT2A glioma cells with mCherry-firefly luciferase were injected in 100 μL PBS. For intracranial tumor studies, 1x10^2 CT2A cells with mCherry- firefly luciferase were injected in 2uL PBS. GSK126 for in vivo studies was obtained from the NCI- Drug Synthesis and Chemistry Branch and dissolved in 20% SBE-Cyclodextrin (MedChemExpress, HY-17031) pH 4-4.5 with 1N acetic acid. Vehicle was 20% SBE-Cyclodextrin pH 4-4.5 with 1N acetic acid. Water-soluble dexamethasone (Sigma Aldrich; D2915) was administered at 1mg/kg/day also by intraperitoneal injection. Anti PD-1(InVivoMAb; BE0146) or isotype control, rat IgG2a (InVivoMAb; BE0089) were also injected intraperitoneally. Subcutaneous tumor growth was measured using calipers and thereafter tumor volume was calculated using the formula for the volume of an ellipsoid given below. In the case of intracranial tumors, tumor growth was measured using the luminescence reader IVIS Ilumina and analyzed using LivingImage Software. Samples were collected from mice with three biological replicates. Serum (50 µL) was transferred to 200 μL ice-chilled (4°C) MilliQ H2O. Tissue (~16 mg) was measured from subcutaneous and intracranial samples followed by addition of 250 μL MilliQ H2O. Then, samples were sonicated at 40 amps (~30 s) until homogeneous. 80 μL of at 0.150 µg/mL debrisoquine in 60% methanol (MeOH)/40% water(aq) reagent was added. 500 μL chilled (-20°C) MeOH was added, vortexed (med) and incubated 15 min on ice. 250 μL chilled (-20°C) Chloroform was added, vortexed (high) and incubated 20 min in ice on rotating mixer. Mixture was centrifuged (13,000x g) for 18 min at 4°C. 705 μL of hydrophilic upper layer was aspirated and transferred to separate 1.5 mL microtubes, dried to completion under N2 gas sample concentrator, and stored at -80°C until LC/MS quantification of GSK126.
Sample Type:Tumor cells
Collection Method:Tumor Tissue/Serum Extract
Collection Location:Intracranial/Subcutaneous/Serum from Mice
Collection Frequency:Timepoints
Collection Duration:0, 2h, 6h and 10h
Volumeoramount Collected:Serum (50 µL)/Tumor (~16 mg)
Storage Conditions:-80℃
Collection Vials:15 mL
Storage Vials:1.7 mL
Collection Tube Temp:On Ice
Additives:Extraction reagent