Summary of Study ST002207

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001410. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8G42C This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST002207
Study TitleMetabolomic analysis to assess response to immunotherapy for malignant brain tumors: Part 1
Study TypeCancer surrogate biomarker discovery
Study SummaryAn effective immune response in patients with cancer treated with immunotherapy includes dendritic cell (DC) activation and migration followed by stimulation of CD8 and CD4 T cells. This then leads to the activation, proliferation and further activation of other immune cell populations including NK cells or immunosuppressive populations such as Tregs and myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). These studies were carried out utilizing murine brain tumor models treated with an RNA DC vaccine platform. We hypothesized that metabolomic analyses of urines would be sensitive to the action of this diverse set of immune cells. The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using metabolomics to follow immune responses after immunotherapy. We chose NMR as our analytical technique of choice, as it has many favorable qualities that make it ideal for analyses of urine.
University of Florida
LaboratoryRm 042
Last NameKhattri
First NameRam
Address1864 Stadium RD,
Submit Date2022-06-09
Num Groups3
Total Subjects15
Num MalesNA
Num FemalesNA
Study CommentsMetabolomic profiling of urine samples
PublicationsMetabolomics journal (submitted)
Raw Data AvailableYes
Raw Data File Type(s)fid
Analysis Type DetailNMR
Release Date2023-06-16
Release Version1
Ram Khattri Ram Khattri application/zip

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Project ID:PR001410
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M8G42C
Project Title:Metabolomic analysis to assess response to immunotherapy for malignant brain tumors: Part 1
Project Type:Study of the urine and serum in mice treated with DC vaccine via 1H NMR
Project Summary:The objective of this project was to identify a peripheral metabolomic profile to serve as a biomarker of response to immunotherapy for the treatment of malignant brain tumors.
Institute:University of Florida
Department:Neurosurgery Department, Medical college, University of Florida
Last Name:Khattri
First Name:Ram
Address:1200 Newell Dr., ARB 240, Gainesville, FL, 32611, USA
Funding Source:This work was partially funded by the Florida Center for Brain Tumor Research (FCBTR), and by generous benefactors to the University of Florida, Peter and Angela Dziegielewski, who established the Eilzabeth Dziegielewski Glioblastoma Research Fund, and Rosalinde Wolfe, who established the Greg Wolfe Brain Tumor Research Fund. RK and MM were supported by funding from National Institutes of Health (U24-DK097209 and 5U2C-DK119889). All NMR portion of this study was performed in McKnight Brain Institute at National High Magnetic Field Laboratory’s Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy (AMRIS) Facility, which is funded by National Science Foundation Cooperative Agreement No. DMR-1644779 and the State of Florida.
Project Comments:Study of the urine and serum in mice treated with DC vaccine via 1H NMR
Publications:Metabolomics journal (submitted)
Contributors:Farhad Dastmalchi, Ram B. Khattri, Marc A. McLeod, Kaitlyn Melnick, Loic P. Deleyrolle, Yusuf Mehkri, Aida Karachi, Paul Kubilis, Shu Wang, Duane A. Mitchell, Matthew E. Merritt, Maryam Rahman