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MB Sample ID: SA026836

Local Sample ID:1981023
Subject ID:SU000537
Subject Type:Animal
Subject Species:Macaca mulatta
Taxonomy ID:9544
Age Or Age Range:N/A| N/A| ~3years| ~3years| ~3years| ~3years| ~3years
Weight Or Weight Range:N/A| N/A| 6.05 kg| 6.05 kg| 6.05 kg| 6.05 kg| 6.05 kg
Gender:Male| Male| Male| Male| Male| Male| Male
Subject Comments:Transfusion Donor| Reference Animal| Experimental Subject|Experimental Subject| Experimental Subject| Experimental Subject| Experimental Subject
Species Group:Mammal

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Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP000544
Sampleprep Summary:aliquots of 65ul sample were mixed with 130ul acetonitrile and 3.25ul internal standard. Keep on ice and vortex every 15 minutes. Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 13.2rpm and 4C. Using a pipette, 130ul of supernatant was removed and placed into autosampler vials for the mass spectrometer.
Sampleprep Protocol Filename:Metab_Sample_Preparation_Plasma_serum_v1_May_17_2013.docx
Processing Method:Precipitation of protein, centrifuge, and remove supernatant
Processing Storage Conditions:on ice
Extraction Method:1:2 sample:acetonitrile
Extract Storage:Pipette supernatant into autosampler vials for mass spectrometer
Sample Spiking:C18 standards: Caffeine and Diethyl-toluamide. Stable isotopes: [13C6]-D-glucose, [15N]-indole, [1,2-13C2]-palmitic acid, [15N,13C5]-L-methionine, [2-15N]-L-lysine dihydrochloride, [15N]-choline chloride, [13C5]-L-glutamic acid, [13C7]-benzoic acid, [15N]-L-tyrosine, [15N2]-uracil, [3,4-13C2]-cholesterol, [3,3-13C2]-cystine, [trimethyl-13C3]-caffeine, [U-13C5, U-15N2]-L-glutamine.