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MB Sample ID: SA101414

Local Sample ID:C-1RTJ2-U-00
Subject ID:SU001459
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606

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Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP001467
Sampleprep Summary:Aliquoting was initially performed for all CHEAR assays, and included an aliquot of each sample for metabolomics and specific gravity measurements. Specific gravity measurements were made first, to determine dilution factors required for pre-acquisition normalization. Specific gravity and dilution factors are included in the “Meta_2019_Michels2017_1977.csv” Urine samples were thawed on ice in batches of approximately 65 samples, and vortexed. The sample was diluted with water down to a specific gravity of 1.002 for pre-acquisition normalization. A 20 L aliquot of the diluted sample was prepared for metabolomics analysis. In addition, a 20 L aliquot from each diluted sample was combined for use as a pooled quality control sample and re-aliquoted into 20L samples. Samples were then returned to -80°C until analysis. Extraction was performed in batches of approximately 65 samples, immediately prior to LC-HRMS analysis. All samples in a batch were thawed on ice, combined with 180L of acetonitrile containing internal standards, and vortexed for 30sec. Samples were then centrifuged (13000 g, 15 min, °C), and 60 L of supernatant transferred to two LC vials for RP and HILIC analysis. Extract remainder was returned to -80°C. Following the same protocol 20 L aliquots each of a matrix blank (replacing the urine with H2O, “matrix”), a CHEAR Reference urine sample (global quality control, “UT”), a NIST 3672 sample (global quality control, “NIST”), and multiple pooledQC samples (local quality control, “LQC”) were extracted.
Sampleprep Protocol Filename:Report_Michels_ 2017_1977.docx