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MB Sample ID: SA169882

Local Sample ID:S1_0088
Subject ID:SU001906
Subject Type:Synthetic sample

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Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP001912
Sampleprep Summary:For in vitro experiments, the reaction solutions were extracted using the modified Bligh and Dyer method. Briefly, a mixed solution of 1 mL methanol and 1 mL chloroform, containing 100 μM dibutylhydroxytoluene and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as antioxidants, and 100 nM PC15:0/18:1-d7 as an internal standard was added to the reaction solution. After 1 min vortex, the organic layer was collected in a glass tube. The extracted solution was dried under a stream of nitrogen gas, and the residue was dissolved in methanol (200 µL) and stored at −80 °C before injection into the HPLC column.