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MB Sample ID: SA185084

Local Sample ID:23979
Subject ID:SU002051
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606

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Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP002057
Sampleprep Summary:We used 50 mg of tissues for sample preparation. Lipids were extracted using a modified Bligh-Dyer method. The extraction was carried out using 2:2:2 volume ratio of water/methanol/dichloromethane at room temperature after spiking internal standards (17:0LPC, 17:0PC, 17:0PE, 17:0PG, 17:0 ceramide, 17:0SM, 17:0PS, 17:0PA, 17:0TAG, 17:0MAG, DAG 16:0/18:1, CE 17:0, and 17.0-20.4 PI). The organic layer was collected and completely dried under nitrogen. Before MS analysis, the dried extract was resuspended in 100 μL of Buffer B (10:5:85 Acetonitrile/water/Isopropyl alcohol) containing 10mM NH4OAc and subjected to LC/MS. The lipidome was separated using reverse-phase chromatography.