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MB Sample ID: SA256185

Local Sample ID:180969_1_CNTF_CTL_OD_7dpi_NEG
Subject ID:SU002651
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Gender:Male and female

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Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP002657
Sampleprep Summary:Metabolite extraction was carried out while keeping the optic nerve tissues on dry ice to prevent degradation. Tissues were transferred to 0.5mL Soft Tissue Lysing Kit Precellys tubes containing beads. Add 84 µL of chilled 1:1 MeOH/H2O to Precellys tube. Pre-extraction internal standards were added to the tubes. Add pre-extraction internal standards: 5µl of 1mg/ml Caffeine 13C6, 5µl of 1mg/ml D-Glucose 13C6, 5µl of 1mg/ml Oleic Acid 13C5, and 1µl of 5mg/mL Isoleucine 13C6 to each sample. Tissues were homogenized using Precellys 24 Touch. Cycle parameters: 2 cycles: 30 seconds homogenization at 4500 rpm, 10 seconds rest. Transfer homogenate to microcentrifuge tube and centrifuge at 18000xrcf for 20 min at 4°C. Collect supernatant and transfer pellet to Precellys Lysing Kit tube. Add 84uL of 8:1:1 Acetonitrile/Methanol/Acetone to pellet and add the rest of the pre-extraction internal standards: 5µl of 1mg/ml Caffeine 13C6, 5µl of 1mg/ml D-Glucose 13C6, 5µl of 1mg/ml Oleic Acid 13C5, 1µl of 5mg/mL Isoleucine 13C6. Final pre-extraction internal standards concentrations are 50μg/mL. Homogenization cycles were repeating using Precellys 24 Touch. Centrifuge as before and add second supernatant to first round of collected supernatant. Centrifuge at 1800xrcf for 20 min once more to remove any remaining tissue debris. Collect supernatant and dry supernatant in Speedvac. Two extraction blanks were prepared in the same manner as the biological samples. Dried samples were reconstituted immediately in 0.1% formic acid in 44.75µL of HPLC-MS grade water. Post-extraction internal standards were added: 25 µl of 5mg/ml Phenylalanine 13C6, 2.5 µl of .5mg/ml Uracil 13C 15N2, 1.25 µl of 1mg/ml Arginine 13C6, 1.25 µl of 1mg/ml Serine 13C3 to each sample.