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MB Sample ID: SA259630

Local Sample ID:90252015514
Subject ID:SU002696
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Rattus norvegicus
Taxonomy ID:10116

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Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP002702
Sampleprep Summary:10 µl of plasma or 300 µl of tissue homogenate prepared at 100 mg/ml in 3M perchloric acid containing isotopically labeled internal standards KIC-d3, KIV-5C13, (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories), and KMV-d8 (Toronto Research Chemicals) are precipitated with 150 µl of 3M PCA. 200 µl of 25 M o-phenylenediamine (OPD) in 3M HCl is added to the supernatants and the samples are incubated at 80oC for 20 minutes. Keto acids are extracted with ethyl acetate. The extracts are dried under nitrogen and reconstituted in 200 mM ammonium acetate.
Sampleprep Protocol Filename:pass1b_experimental_design_metabolomics.pdf