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MB Sample ID: SA012096

Local Sample ID:QE1_REP_18_04
Subject ID:SU000289
Subject Type:Animal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Genotype Strain:C57BL/6
Age Or Age Range:8 or 24 week
Animal Animal Supplier:Jackson Laboratories
Animal Feed:Control (Research Diets, Inc. # D09100304) and trans-fat diet (Research Diets, Inc. # D09100301)
Species Group:Mammal

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Treatment ID:TR000303
Treatment Summary:Mice were either fed a control diet or high fructose trans-fat diet for 8 or 24 weeks
Treatment Compound:diet (Research Diets, Inc)
Treatment Route:oral
Animal Anesthesia:isoflurane (3% in O2)
Animal Endp Clinical Signs:accompanied histology