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MB Sample ID: SA098189

Local Sample ID:Con015
Subject ID:SU001427
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Genotype Strain:C57BL6J
Age Or Age Range:18-20 weeks
Weight Or Weight Range:20-30g
Gender:Male and female
Animal Animal Supplier:Jackson Laboratories
Animal Housing:5/cage
Animal Light Cycle:12h
Animal Feed:Ad libitum. Control mice received custom casein-diet. Chronic kidney disease was induced by supplementing casein-based diet with 0.15% adenine
Animal Water:Ad libitum

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Treatment ID:TR001442
Treatment Summary:We utilized an established adenine-diet model to induce CKD in mice. Mice were assigned to a casein-based chow diet for 7 days, followed by induction of renal tubular injury by supplementing the diet with 0.2% adenine for 7 days, and were subsequently maintained on a 0.15% adenine diet for 7 more weeks. CKD mice were then placed back on control casein diet for 2 weeks to prior to euthanasia and terminal experiments. Control mice received casein diet for the duration of the study.
Animal Anesthesia:Ketamine/Xylazine
Animal Endp Euthanasia:Ketamine/Xylazine