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MB Sample ID: SA138200

Local Sample ID:47
Subject ID:SU001710
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090

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Treatment ID:TR001723
Treatment Summary:MCAD-/- mice were re-derived as germ-free (GF) for the purpose of this study. MCAD-/- mice or MCAD+/+ controls were maintained in sterile gnotobiotic isolators or cages with HEPA-filtered air supply. Urine from GF MCAD-/- and MCAD+/+ mice was collected under sterile conditions. Seven days subsequent, mice were mono-colonized with wild-type C. sporogenes (Cs) by gavage of 200 µL saturated overnight culture. Urine was collected one week after colonization. C. sporogenes colonization was verified with serial dilution plating.