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MB Sample ID: SA175998

Local Sample ID:Acatenella 11
Subject ID:SU001973
Subject Type:Other organism
Subject Species:Alexandrium catenella; Alexandrium tamarense
Taxonomy ID:2925; 2926
Genotype Strain:CCMP 1719; CCMP 2023
Gender:Not applicable

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Treatment ID:TR001985
Treatment Summary:Metabolomes of toxic versus non-toxic species were compared using the following experimental pairings: A. tamarense (n=15) with A. catenella (n=15) (Experiment 1) and A. tamarense (n=15) with A. pacificum (n=15) (Experiment 2). The same non-toxic strain of A. tamarense was used in both experiments but the two experiments were conducted separately, in different months, to make the experiment manageable based on availability of batches grown from stock cultures. For both experiments, Alexandrium spp. cultures at a cell density of 12,000 to 13,000 cells mL-1 were split into fifteen 300 mL subcultures of each species which grew for two days. At the end of each experiment, during harvesting, a 1.0 mL aliquot from each culture was preserved with Lugol’s solution to measure cell concentrations
Treatment Protocol Filename:Differentiating_toxic_and_nontoxic_congeneric_harmful_algae_using_the_non-polar_metabolome_protocol.pdf
Treatment:Species comparison