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MB Sample ID: SA189364

Local Sample ID:II.4
Subject ID:SU002103
Subject Type:Plant
Subject Species:Alkanna tinctoria

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Treatment ID:TR002115
Treatment Summary:Plants were produced by micropropagation from several mother plants by the Hellenic Agricultural Organization (HAO, Thessaloniki, Greece). The plants were transferred to 5 L pots containing 4.5 L of sterilized (121° C for 15 min) peat moss and perlite (volume ratio 2:1), mixed with 200 g field soil collected either in Austria or in Greece. Thus, all plants were grown in a substrate with highly similar chemical and physical characteristics, but hosting those microbial communities prevailing in these three distinct soils. Plants were grown in the greenhouse at 16 h light / 8 h dark photoperiod, 25°C with 50% relative humidity (RH) and a photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of 96 μmolm^-2 s^-1. Plants were watered twice per week with deionized water and moved randomly once per week. Plants were harvested at four different defined developmental stages, the first stage (“vegetative growth”) was defined when more than 50% of the individuals started to produce new leaves, “blooming” was the stage when more than 50% of the individuals had flowers, “fruiting” when more than 50% of the individual plants began to produce fruits.