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MB Sample ID: SA322012

Local Sample ID:21
Subject ID:SU003070
Subject Type:Plant
Subject Species:Thalassiosira pseudonana
Taxonomy ID:296543

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Treatment ID:TR003079
Treatment Summary:Six treatment combinations of a marine diatom strain Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335 were prepared: treatments incubated axenically at either 14, 20, or 28 oC, and treatments co-cultured with a bacterial strain Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 at the corresponding temperatures (four replicates for each). L1 media was used with NaH13CO3 as a source of bicarbonate and a salinity of 35 ppt. The diatom used for the co-cultured treatments was B12 stressed to emphasize the known co-existing system. The light cycle consisted of 16 h light (120 µmol photons m-2 s-1) and 8 h of dark.
Treatment Protocol Filename:3_Treatment protocol_UGA_temp_Oct2023_main.docx