Summary of project PR001692

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001692. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M80H7Q This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


Project ID: PR001692
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M80H7Q
Project Title:The ECHO Cohort Exposome: First Steps using HHEAR Analysis – An Opportunity for ALL ECHO Cohorts to Contribute Type A Samples – Untargeted Analysis (CHES Cohort)
Project Type:C18 Reversed-Phase Broad Spectrum Metabolomics
Project Summary:This project was funded by the NIH Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program. Untargeted metabolomics profiling data was acquired from urine samples provided by 14 ECHO cohorts.
Institute:NC HHEAR Hub
Department:Untargeted Analysis
Laboratory:Sumner Lab
Last Name:Rushing
First Name:Blake
Address:Nutrition Research Institute , University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 500 Laureate Way Kannapolis, NC 28081
Phone:(704) 282-9838
Funding Source:This research was supported by the Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program, Office of The Director, National Institutes of Health. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. The CHES ECHO Cohort is supported by the following ECHO Program Collaborators: ECHO Coordinating Center: Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, North Carolina: Smith PB, Newby KL, Benjamin DK; U2C OD023375; ECHO Data Analysis Center: Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland: Jacobson LP; Research Triangle Institute, Durham, North Carolina: Catellier D; U24 OD023382; North Carolina Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource Hub: Research Triangle Institute: Fennell T, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Sumner S, University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Du X; U2C ES030857; Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource Coordinating Center: Westat, Inc., Rockville, Maryland: O’Brien B; U24 ES026539

Summary of all studies in project PR001692

Study IDStudy TitleSpeciesInstituteAnalysis
(* : Contains Untargted data)
(* : Contains raw data)
ST002728 The ECHO Cohort Exposome: First Steps using HHEAR Analysis – An Opportunity for ALL ECHO Cohorts to Contribute Type A Samples – Untargeted Analysis (CHES Cohort) Homo sapiens NYU Grossman School of Medicine MS* 2024-05-18 1 693 Uploaded data (84.1G)*