Summary of project PR002144

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR002144. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8GR8V This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


Project ID: PR002144
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M8GR8V
Project Title:Hepatocyte Period 1 dictates oxidative substrate selection independent of the core circadian clock
Project Summary:In this project we quantified the extent to which exogenously administered FGF21 reconstitutes substrate selection observed in fasting Per1iLKO mice. We treated Per1fl/fl or Per1iLKO mice with or without recombinant FGF21 protein after a 14 h + 2 h fast/refeed, and subjected them to heavy isotope metabolic tracing in vivo. Although we observed no significant defects found in total hepatic metabolites involved in glycolysis and PDH-mediated pathway in Per1iLKO mice during refeeding, [13C6]-glucose tracing revealed increased labeling in the glycolytic and PDH-mediated TCA cycle in fasting Per1iLKO mice. Moreover, treatment with recombinant FGF21 significantly reduced glycolytic and PDH-mediated TCA cycle flux in Per1iLKO mice, but did not drive significant changes in fasting Per1fl/fl mice.
Institute:Washington University in St. Louis
Last Name:Sun
First Name:Jiameng
Address:660 S. Euclid Ave

Summary of all studies in project PR002144

Study IDStudy TitleSpeciesInstituteAnalysis
(* : Contains Untargted data)
(* : Contains raw data)
ST003495 Hepatocyte Period 1 dictates oxidative substrate selection independent of the core circadian clock Mus musculus Washington University in St. Louis MS 2024-09-25 1 34 Uploaded data (501.5M)*