Summary of Study ST002382
This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001532. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8P11T This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.
This study contains a large results data set and is not available in the mwTab file. It is only available for download via FTP as data file(s) here.
Study ID | ST002382 |
Study Title | Deep multi-omic profiling reveals extensive mitochondrial remodeling driven by glycemia in early diabetic kidney disease |
Study Summary | Changes in mitochondrial energy metabolism are thought to be central to the development of diabetic kidney disease (DKD); however, whether this response is explicitly driven by systemic glucose concentrations remains unknown. Here, we show that titrating blood glucose concentrations in vivo directly impacts mitochondrial morphology and bioenergetics and remodels the mitochondrial proteome in the kidney in early DKD. Mitoproteomic analysis revealed profound metabolic disturbances induced by severe hyperglycemia, including upregulation of enzymes involved in the TCA cycle and fatty acid metabolism, enhanced ketogenesis as well as extensive dysregulation of the mitochondrial SLC25 carrier family. The metabolite and lipid landscape were perturbed by severe hyperglycemia; untargeted metabolomics and lipidomics confirmed the enrichment of TCA cycle metabolites, an increase in triglyceride concentrations, and extensive and specific cardiolipin remodeling. Lowering blood glucose to moderate hyperglycemia stabilized all three omic landscapes, partially prevented changes in mitochondrial morphology and bioenergetics, and improved kidney injury. This study provides insights into altered substrate utilization and energy generation in the kidney early in diabetes, during moderate and severe hyperglycemia and has implications for therapeutic strategies aiming at the reinvigoration of mitochondrial function and signaling in diabetes. |
Institute | University of Melbourne |
Last Name | Caruana |
First Name | Nikeisha |
Address | 30 Flemington Rd, Parkville VIC 3052 | | |
Phone | 0383442219 |
Submit Date | 2022-11-09 |
Raw Data Available | Yes |
Raw Data File Type(s) | mzXML |
Analysis Type Detail | LC-MS |
Release Date | 2022-12-27 |
Release Version | 1 |
Select appropriate tab below to view additional metadata details:
Project ID: | PR001532 |
Project DOI: | doi: 10.21228/M8P11T |
Project Title: | Deep multi-omic profiling reveals extensive mitochondrial remodeling driven by glycemia in early diabetic kidney disease |
Project Summary: | Changes in mitochondrial energy metabolism are thought to be central to the development of diabetic kidney disease (DKD); however, whether this response is explicitly driven by systemic glucose concentrations remains unknown. Here, we show that titrating blood glucose concentrations in vivo directly impacts mitochondrial morphology and bioenergetics and remodels the mitochondrial proteome in the kidney in early DKD. Mitoproteomic analysis revealed profound metabolic disturbances induced by severe hyperglycemia, including upregulation of enzymes involved in the TCA cycle and fatty acid metabolism, enhanced ketogenesis as well as extensive dysregulation of the mitochondrial SLC25 carrier family. The metabolite and lipid landscape were perturbed by severe hyperglycemia; untargeted metabolomics and lipidomics confirmed the enrichment of TCA cycle metabolites, an increase in triglyceride concentrations, and extensive and specific cardiolipin remodeling. Lowering blood glucose to moderate hyperglycemia stabilized all three omic landscapes, partially prevented changes in mitochondrial morphology and bioenergetics, and improved kidney injury. This study provides insights into altered substrate utilization and energy generation in the kidney early in diabetes, during moderate and severe hyperglycemia and has implications for therapeutic strategies aiming at the reinvigoration of mitochondrial function and signaling in diabetes. |
Institute: | University of Melbourne |
Last Name: | Caruana |
First Name: | Nikeisha |
Address: | 30 Flemington Rd, Parkville VIC, Melbourne, Victoria, 3052, Australia |
Email: | |
Phone: | 8344 2219 |
Subject ID: | SU002471 |
Subject Type: | Mammal |
Subject Species: | Rattus norvegicus |
Taxonomy ID: | 10116 |
Species Group: | Mammals |
Subject type: Mammal; Subject species: Rattus norvegicus (Factor headings shown in green)
mb_sample_id | local_sample_id | Treatment |
SA237835 | UNK-0046_6 | blank |
SA237836 | UNK-0035_5 | blank |
SA237837 | UNK-0024_4 | blank |
SA237838 | UNK-0053_7 | blank |
SA237839 | UNK-0054_8 | blank |
SA237840 | UNK-0054_2 | blank |
SA237841 | UNK-0053_9 | blank |
SA237842 | UNK-0013_3 | blank |
SA237783 | CG_740 | CTRL |
SA237784 | CG_739 | CTRL |
SA237785 | CG_734 | CTRL |
SA237786 | CG_753 | CTRL |
SA237787 | CGrerun_754 | CTRL |
SA237788 | CG_755 | CTRL |
SA237789 | CGrerun_755 | CTRL |
SA237790 | CG_754 | CTRL |
SA237791 | CG_722 | CTRL |
SA237792 | CG_730 | CTRL |
SA237793 | CG_710 | CTRL |
SA237794 | CG_704 | CTRL |
SA237795 | CG_717 | CTRL |
SA237796 | CG_716 | CTRL |
SA237797 | CG_749 | MHG |
SA237798 | CG_748 | MHG |
SA237799 | CG_725 | MHG |
SA237800 | CG_714 | MHG |
SA237801 | CGrerun_752 | MHG |
SA237802 | CG_752 | MHG |
SA237803 | CG_711 | MHG |
SA237804 | CG_712 | MHG |
SA237805 | CG_713 | MHG |
SA237806 | CG_720 | MHG |
SA237807 | CG_744 | MHG |
SA237808 | CG_737 | MHG |
SA237809 | CG_724 | MHG |
SA237810 | UNK-0047_rerun | QC |
SA237811 | UNK-0041 | QC |
SA237812 | UNK-0052_rerun | QC |
SA237813 | UNK-0052 | QC |
SA237814 | UNK-0003 | QC |
SA237815 | UNK-0047 | QC |
SA237816 | UNK-0030 | QC |
SA237817 | UNK-0019 | QC |
SA237818 | UNK-0014 | QC |
SA237819 | UNK-0008 | QC |
SA237820 | UNK-0025 | QC |
SA237821 | UNK-0036 | QC |
SA237822 | CG_746 | SHG |
SA237823 | CG_728 | SHG |
SA237824 | CG_731 | SHG |
SA237825 | CG_732 | SHG |
SA237826 | CG_733 | SHG |
SA237827 | CG_727 | SHG |
SA237828 | CG_726 | SHG |
SA237829 | CG_715 | SHG |
SA237830 | CG_719 | SHG |
SA237831 | CG_723 | SHG |
SA237832 | CG_745 | SHG |
SA237833 | CGrerun_746 | SHG |
SA237834 | CG_701 | SHG |
Showing results 1 to 60 of 60 |
Collection ID: | CO002464 |
Collection Summary: | Metabolite extraction was carried out as previously described (96). Briefly, ~20-30 mg of kidney cortex was homogenized under cryogenic conditions in cryomill tubes containing beads for homogenization (Precellys bead-mill with a Cryolys attachment, Bertin Technologies, France) and 600 mL of 3:1 methanol:water (v/v) containing 0.5 nmol 13C6-sorbitol and 5 nmol 13C5,15N-valine as internal standards. Homogenates (480 mL) were subsequently vortexed in fresh Eppendorf tubes containing 120 ml chloroform. The resultant extracts were centrifuged to pellet cell debris and precipitated protein. The supernatant was used for subsequent analysis. In addition, an aliquot from each sample was pooled and re-aliquoted to generate pooled biological quality controls (PBQC). Samples and PBQCs were evaporated dry by speed vacuum centrifugation and then derivatized online using the Shimadzu AOC6000 autosampler robot with methoxyamine hydrochloride (30 mg/mL in pyridine) and N, O - bis (trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide [BSTFA] + 1% chlorotrimethylsilane [TMCS] (both Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, USA). Samples were left for 1 h before 1 µL was injected onto the GC column using a hot needle technique. Split (1:10) injections were performed for each sample. |
Sample Type: | Kidney |
Treatment ID: | TR002483 |
Treatment Summary: | Male Sprague Dawley rats were housed in groups of three rats per cage in a temperature-controlled environment, with a 12 h light/dark cycle and ad libitum access to food and water. Experimental diabetes was induced in six week old male Sprague Dawley rats (200-250 g, n = 35) by i.v. injection of streptozotocin (55 mg/kg, sodium citrate buffer pH 4.5) following an overnight fast, as previously described (80). One group of rats received citrate buffer vehicle (0.42% in sterile saline, pH 4.5) as a non-diabetic control with normal blood glucose (NG) (n = 16). One week following STZ treatment, diabetic rats were further assigned to two groups: standard insulin therapy (n = 17 rats), resulting in severe hyperglycemia (SHG) and intensive insulin therapy (n = 19 rats), resulting in moderate hyperglycemia (MHG) using a single daily insulin injection (long-lasting Humulin NPH; Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, USA) to titrate blood glucose levels to >28 mM (1-2 units, s.c. per day) and ∼20 mM (6-7 units, s.c. per day) as required, respectively. Blood glucose and body weight were monitored weekly. Blood glucose was measured using a handheld glucometer (Accutrend; Boehringer Manheim Biochemica, Manheim, Germany) during the study time course. After the completion of the study, plasma glucose was measured using a colorimetric glucose assay kit from Cayman Chemical Company (Ann Arbor, MI, USA), performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was determined by a Cobas Integra 400 autoanalyzer (Roche Diagnostics Corporation, USA). Plasma C-peptide was determined using a commercially available ELISA kit (Alpco, Salem, NH, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. In the final week of the study, rats were placed individually into metabolic cages (Iffa Credo, L’Arbresele, France) for 24 hours to collect urine. |
Sample Preparation:
Sampleprep ID: | SP002477 |
Sampleprep Summary: | The GC-MS system consisted of an AOC6000 autosampler, a 2030 Shimadzu gas chromatograph and a TQ8040 quadrupole mass spectrometer (Shimadzu, Japan), which was tuned according to the manufacturer’s recommendations using tris-(perfluorobutyl)-amine (CF43). GC-MS was performed on a 30 m Agilent DB-5 column with 1 µm film thickness and 0.25 mm internal diameter. The injection temperature (Inlet) and the MS transfer line were both set at 280°C and the ion source adjusted to 200°C. Helium was used as the carrier gas at a flow rate of 1 mL/min and argon gas was used as the collision cell gas to generate the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) product ion. The analysis was performed under the following temperature program; start at injection 100°C, a hold for 4 minutes followed by a 10°C min-1 oven temperature ramp to 320°C followed by a final hold off of 11 minutes. Approximately 520 quantifying MRM targets were collected using Shimadzu Smart Database along with qualifier for each target, which covers about 350 endogenous metabolites and multiple 13C labelled internal standards. Both chromatograms and MRMs were evaluated using the Shimadzu GCMS browser and LabSolutions Insight software. |
Combined analysis:
Analysis ID | AN003881 |
Analysis type | MS |
Chromatography type | GC |
Chromatography system | Shimadzu 2030 |
Column | Agilent DB5-MS (30m x 0.25mm, 0.25um) |
MS Type | ESI |
MS instrument type | Triple quadrupole |
MS instrument name | Shimazu TQ8040 |
Units | Peak area |
Chromatography ID: | CH002875 |
Instrument Name: | Shimadzu 2030 |
Column Name: | Agilent DB5-MS (30m x 0.25mm, 0.25um) |
Chromatography Type: | GC |
MS ID: | MS003621 |
Analysis ID: | AN003881 |
Instrument Name: | Shimazu TQ8040 |
Instrument Type: | Triple quadrupole |
MS Type: | ESI |
MS Comments: | The GC-MS system consisted of an AOC6000 autosampler, a 2030 Shimadzu gas chromatograph and a TQ8040 quadrupole mass spectrometer (Shimadzu, Japan), which was tuned according to the manufacturer’s recommendations using tris-(perfluorobutyl)-amine (CF43). GC-MS was performed on a 30 m Agilent DB-5 column with 1 µm film thickness and 0.25 mm internal diameter. The injection temperature (Inlet) and the MS transfer line were both set at 280°C and the ion source adjusted to 200°C. Helium was used as the carrier gas at a flow rate of 1 mL/min and argon gas was used as the collision cell gas to generate the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) product ion. The analysis was performed under the following temperature program; start at injection 100°C, a hold for 4 minutes followed by a 10°C min-1 oven temperature ramp to 320°C followed by a final hold off of 11 minutes. Approximately 520 quantifying MRM targets were collected using Shimadzu Smart Database along with qualifier for each target, which covers about 350 endogenous metabolites and multiple 13C labelled internal standards. Both chromatograms and MRMs were evaluated using the Shimadzu GCMS browser and LabSolutions Insight software. |