Summary of Study ST002926

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001818. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8QH8M This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST002926
Study TitleMulti-“omics” analysis reveals the orphan P. falciparum protein kinase PfPK8 regulates multi-gene family expression
Study SummaryProtein kinases are a large group of proteins that serve regulatory and signalling functions in eukaryotic cells. Whilst kinases can be readily identified by highly conserved kinase domains, the downstream function of many protein kinases remains unknown, even more so for kinases of divergent eukaryotes, such as the Plasmodium parasites that cause malaria. PfPK8 (PF3D7_0203100) is an orphan kinase in Plasmodium falciparum that bears some homology to STE kinases but has no known function. To reveal the function of PfPK8 we investigated PfPK8 knockout parasites with an untargeted multi-omics workflow. Phosphoproteomics analysis identified six putative phosphorylation targets in the parasite nucleus, including another kinase, a histone acetyltransferase, and three transcription-associated proteins, including the transcription factor AP2-12 (PF3D7_1239200). Untargeted metabolomics and proteomics analysis demonstrated no impact of the PfPK8 knockout on metabolism but revealed differential regulation of exported surface proteins from multi-gene families. Transcriptomics analysis confirmed differential expression of these multi-gene family proteins, particularly de-repression of var genes encoding PfEMP1 variants. DAP-seq analysis of genes bound to the AP2-12 transcription factor also identified significant enrichment of var genes, with significant overlap between the group B/C and C var genes enriched in both the PfPK8-KO transcriptomics and AP2-12 DAP-seq analysis. Overall, this study revealed that the primary function of PfPK8 is to regulate transcription of antigenic variant genes via phosphorylation of nuclear targets including the AP2-12 transcription factor.
Monash University
Last NameSiddiqui
First NameGhizal
Address381 Royal Parade, Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria, 3052, Australia
Submit Date2023-10-11
Raw Data AvailableYes
Raw Data File Type(s)raw(Thermo)
Analysis Type DetailLC-MS
Release Date2023-10-26
Release Version1
Ghizal Siddiqui Ghizal Siddiqui application/zip

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Project ID:PR001818
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M8QH8M
Project Title:Multi-“omics” analysis reveals the orphan P. falciparum protein kinase PfPK8 regulates multi-gene family expression
Project Summary:Protein kinases are a large group of proteins that serve regulatory and signalling functions in eukaryotic cells. Whilst kinases can be readily identified by highly conserved kinase domains, the downstream function of many protein kinases remains unknown, even more so for kinases of divergent eukaryotes, such as the Plasmodium parasites that cause malaria. PfPK8 (PF3D7_0203100) is an orphan kinase in Plasmodium falciparum that bears some homology to STE kinases but has no known function. To reveal the function of PfPK8 we investigated PfPK8 knockout parasites with an untargeted multi-omics workflow. Phosphoproteomics analysis identified six putative phosphorylation targets in the parasite nucleus, including another kinase, a histone acetyltransferase, and three transcription-associated proteins, including the transcription factor AP2-12 (PF3D7_1239200). Untargeted metabolomics and proteomics analysis demonstrated no impact of the PfPK8 knockout on metabolism but revealed differential regulation of exported surface proteins from multi-gene families. Transcriptomics analysis confirmed differential expression of these multi-gene family proteins, particularly de-repression of var genes encoding PfEMP1 variants. DAP-seq analysis of genes bound to the AP2-12 transcription factor also identified significant enrichment of var genes, with significant overlap between the group B/C and C var genes enriched in both the PfPK8-KO transcriptomics and AP2-12 DAP-seq analysis. Overall, this study revealed that the primary function of PfPK8 is to regulate transcription of antigenic variant genes via phosphorylation of nuclear targets including the AP2-12 transcription factor.
Institute:Monash University
Last Name:Siddiqui
First Name:Ghizal
Address:381 Royal Parade, Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria, 3052, Australia


Subject ID:SU003039
Subject Type:Cultured cells
Subject Species:Plasmodium falciparum
Taxonomy ID:5833
Species Group:Unicellular parasites


Subject type: Cultured cells; Subject species: Plasmodium falciparum (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id treatment
SA317891CP_10g2_210g2 clone PfPK8KO-1
SA317892CP_10g2_310g2 clone PfPK8KO-2
SA317893CP_10g2_410g2 clone PfPK8KO-3
SA317894CP_10g2_510g2 clone PfPK8KO-4
SA317895CP_11c_211c clone PfPK8KO-1
SA317896CP_11c_311c clone PfPK8KO-2
SA317897CP_11c_411c clone PfPK8KO-3
SA317898CP_11c_511c clone PfPK8KO-4
SA317899CP_2c_22c HA control-1
SA317900CP_2c_32c HA control-2
SA317901CP_2c_42c HA control-3
SA317902CP_2c_52c HA control-4
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12


Collection ID:CO003032
Collection Summary:Highly synchronised parasites were harvested by magnet purification (Ribaut et al., 2008). 140 µL of 100% methanol was added to 5 x 107 parasites to extract metabolites. Samples were incubated at 4 °C for 1 h on a vortex shaker (Select Bioproducts). Samples were centrifuged at 21,000 x g for 5 min and the particle-free supernatant stored at – 80 °C until analysis.
Sample Type:Blood (whole)


Treatment ID:TR003048
Treatment Summary:untargeted metabolomics was performed on PfPK8-KO clone 10g2 and clone 11c, and on PfPK8-HA clone 2c (control).

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP003045
Sampleprep Summary:Highly synchronised parasites were harvested by magnet purification (Ribaut et al., 2008). 140 µL of 100% methanol was added to 5 x 107 parasites to extract metabolites. Samples were incubated at 4 °C for 1 h on a vortex shaker (Select Bioproducts). Samples were centrifuged at 21,000 x g for 5 min and the particle-free supernatant stored at – 80 °C until analysis.

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN004798 AN004799
Analysis type MS MS
Chromatography type HILIC HILIC
Chromatography system QExactive QExactive
Column Merck SeQuant ZIC-pHILIC (150 x 4.6mm,5um) Merck SeQuant ZIC-pHILIC (150 x 4.6mm,5um)
MS instrument type Orbitrap Orbitrap
MS instrument name Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Units peak height peak height


Chromatography ID:CH003628
Instrument Name:QExactive
Column Name:Merck SeQuant ZIC-pHILIC (150 x 4.6mm,5um)
Column Temperature:25
Flow Gradient:0% B to 50% B over 15 min, then to 5% B at 18 min until 21 min, increasing to 80% B at 24 min until 32 min.
Flow Rate:0.3 ml/min
Solvent A:100% water; 20 mM ammonium carbonate
Solvent B:100% acetonitrile
Chromatography Type:HILIC


MS ID:MS004544
Analysis ID:AN004798
Instrument Name:Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:The MS was fitted with a heated electrospray source that switched between positive and negative ionisation modes. The MS operated at a mass resolution of 35,000 from m/z 85 to 1,050.
MS ID:MS004545
Analysis ID:AN004799
Instrument Name:Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:The MS was fitted with a heated electrospray source that switched between positive and negative ionisation modes. The MS operated at a mass resolution of 35,000 from m/z 85 to 1,050.