Summary of Study ST003203

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001997. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8KT6Q This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST003203
Study TitleMetabolomic investigation of tear fluid biomarkers obtained from participants enrolled in the BiZiFED nutrition study
Study SummaryZinc is an essential micronutrient, and its deficiency is particularly prevalent amongst the female population of Pakistan, leading to a substantial health burden on women of reproductive age and their children. Biofortification of wheat with zinc may offer a cost-effective strategy to attempt to improve nutritional status on a national scale. Biofortification with Zinc and Iron for Eliminating Deficiency (BiZiFED) is research program that aims to evaluate the impact of consuming zinc biofortified wheat flour on the zinc status and associated health outcomes of vulnerable communities northwest Pakistan. Of the health outcomes measured, tear biofluid was collected as a non-invasive method of determining whether zinc supplementation altered tear metabolomic biomarkers. In a crossover trial, 25 women of reproductive age received standard, non-biofortified wheat flour, and another 25 women received zinc-biofortified wheat flour for 8 weeks. At the end of this period, the nutritional intervention was switched for a further 8 weeks, whereby those individuals receiving the zinc-biofortified flour subsequently received the standard flour, whilst those receiving standard flour subsequently received the zinc-biofortified flour. The tear biofluid was collected using Schirmer strips after a 2-week baseline period and after 8 weeks and 16 weeks of the study. Metabolomic analysis was conducted using the MxP Quant 500 kit (Biocrates). Following multiple comparisons, four metabolites were significantly correlated with plasma zinc concentration, two demonstrating a positive correlation and two demonstrating a negative correlation. Five metabolites were significantly altered in response to zinc supplementation with biofortified wheat flour. These results highlight the potential of using tear biofluids as an alternative source for metabolomic biomarkers for the assessment of zinc status of individuals enrolled in nutritional studies.
Institute for Global Food Security
Last NamePan
First NameXiaobei
Address19 Chlorine Gardens, Belfast, Antrim, BT9 5DL, United Kingdom
Submit Date2024-04-22
Raw Data AvailableYes
Raw Data File Type(s)wiff
Analysis Type DetailLC-MS
Release Date2024-05-31
Release Version1
Xiaobei Pan Xiaobei Pan application/zip

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Project ID:PR001997
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M8KT6Q
Project Title:Metabolomic investigation of tear fluid biomarkers
Project Summary:This project aims to evaluate the impact of consuming zinc biofortified wheat flour on the zinc status and associated health outcomes of vulnerable communities northwest Pakistan. Tear biofluid was collected as a non-invasive method of determining whether zinc supplementation altered tear metabolomic biomarkers.
Institute:Institute for Global Food Security
Last Name:Pan
First Name:Xiaobei
Address:19 Chlorine Gardens, Belfast, Antrim, BT9 5DL, United Kingdom


Subject ID:SU003322
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Gender:Male and female
Species Group:Mammals


Subject type: Human; Subject species: Homo sapiens (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id Sample source Study Arm Timepoint PZC (< 660 ug/L)
SA348706BZ2F35Tear 1 Week 10 N
SA348707BZ2F15Tear 1 Week 10 N
SA348708BZ2F19Tear 1 Week 10 N
SA348709BZ2F37Tear 1 Week 10 N
SA348710BZ2F1Tear 1 Week 10 N
SA348711BZ2F47Tear 1 Week 10 N
SA348712BZ2F3Tear 1 Week 10 N
SA348713BZ2F11Tear 1 Week 10 Y
SA348714BZ2F17Tear 1 Week 10 Y
SA348715BZ2F33Tear 1 Week 10 Y
SA348716BZ2F29Tear 1 Week 10 Y
SA348717BZ2F45Tear 1 Week 10 Y
SA348718BZ2F23Tear 1 Week 10 Y
SA348719BZ3F3Tear 1 Week 18 N
SA348720BZ3F15Tear 1 Week 18 N
SA348721BZ3F19Tear 1 Week 18 N
SA348722BZ3F1Tear 1 Week 18 N
SA348723BZ3F35Tear 1 Week 18 N
SA348724BZ3F37Tear 1 Week 18 N
SA348725BZ3F47Tear 1 Week 18 N
SA348726BZ3F17Tear 1 Week 18 Y
SA348727BZ3F11Tear 1 Week 18 Y
SA348728BZ3F23Tear 1 Week 18 Y
SA348729BZ3F45Tear 1 Week 18 Y
SA348730BZ3F33Tear 1 Week 18 Y
SA348731BZ3F29Tear 1 Week 18 Y
SA348732BZ1F3Tear 1 Week 2 N
SA348733BZ1F15Tear 1 Week 2 N
SA348734BZ1F1Tear 1 Week 2 N
SA348735BZ1F35Tear 1 Week 2 N
SA348736BZ1F19Tear 1 Week 2 N
SA348737BZ1F37Tear 1 Week 2 N
SA348738BZ1F47Tear 1 Week 2 N
SA348739BZ1F33Tear 1 Week 2 Y
SA348740BZ1F11Tear 1 Week 2 Y
SA348741BZ1F45Tear 1 Week 2 Y
SA348742BZ1F23Tear 1 Week 2 Y
SA348743BZ1F29Tear 1 Week 2 Y
SA348744BZ1F17Tear 1 Week 2 Y
SA348745BZ2F22Tear 2 Week 10 N
SA348746BZ2F24Tear 2 Week 10 N
SA348747BZ2F26Tear 2 Week 10 N
SA348748BZ2F18Tear 2 Week 10 N
SA348749BZ2F30Tear 2 Week 10 N
SA348750BZ2F42Tear 2 Week 10 N
SA348751BZ2F10Tear 2 Week 10 N
SA348752BZ2F38Tear 2 Week 10 N
SA348753BZ2F16Tear 2 Week 10 N
SA348754BZ2F4Tear 2 Week 10 Y
SA348755BZ2F6Tear 2 Week 10 Y
SA348756BZ2F14Tear 2 Week 10 Y
SA348757BZ2F8Tear 2 Week 10 Y
SA348758BZ3F10Tear 2 Week 18 N
SA348759BZ3F38Tear 2 Week 18 N
SA348760BZ3F42Tear 2 Week 18 N
SA348761BZ3F16Tear 2 Week 18 N
SA348762BZ3F18Tear 2 Week 18 N
SA348763BZ3F24Tear 2 Week 18 N
SA348764BZ3F30Tear 2 Week 18 N
SA348765BZ3F22Tear 2 Week 18 N
SA348766BZ3F26Tear 2 Week 18 N
SA348767BZ3F4Tear 2 Week 18 Y
SA348768BZ3F8Tear 2 Week 18 Y
SA348769BZ3F14Tear 2 Week 18 Y
SA348770BZ3F6Tear 2 Week 18 Y
SA348771BZ1F10Tear 2 Week 2 N
SA348772BZ1F30Tear 2 Week 2 N
SA348773BZ1F38Tear 2 Week 2 N
SA348774BZ1F42Tear 2 Week 2 N
SA348775BZ1F26Tear 2 Week 2 N
SA348776BZ1F24Tear 2 Week 2 N
SA348777BZ1F16Tear 2 Week 2 N
SA348778BZ1F18Tear 2 Week 2 N
SA348779BZ1F22Tear 2 Week 2 N
SA348780BZ1F4Tear 2 Week 2 Y
SA348781BZ1F6Tear 2 Week 2 Y
SA348782BZ1F14Tear 2 Week 2 Y
SA348783BZ1F8Tear 2 Week 2 Y
Showing results 1 to 78 of 78


Collection ID:CO003315
Collection Summary:Tears were collected on Schirmer tear test strips (4701001, Haag-Streit UK Ltd., Essex, UK) from both eyes of the study participants. Briefly, the Schirmer strips were folded at the notch, before resting the rounded notch in the inferior conjunctival fornix (inside the lower eyelid) (FIGURE SUPPLEMENTARY 1A). Participants were given the option to close their eyes. The Schirmer strips were removed when the strips became saturated with tear fluid, or once 5 minutes had passed, whichever came first. The strips were shipped to QUB at ambient temperature, and stored at -80°C prior to analysis .
Sample Type:Tear


Treatment ID:TR003331
Treatment Summary:In brief, a total of 50 households, with at least one 16-49 year-old woman, who was neither pregnant nor breastfeeding nor consuming additional nutritional supplementation, were randomly selected for the study. The selected households were provided with either freshly-milled Zincol-2016/NR-421 grain (genetically and agronomically Zn-biofortified) or Galaxy-2013 grain (control), with the intention that these were the only flours to be consumed for the duration of the study. A two-week baseline period was established with control flour, before the households were randomly separated into two groups for the purposes of the study, one which received Zincol-2016/NR-421 grain for eight weeks and then Galaxy-2013 control grain for eight weeks, whilst the other received control grain for eight weeks followed by Zn-biofortified grain. Where possible, blood and tear samples were collected at the 2-week (baseline), 10-week and 18-week time points of the study. Then tear samples from study participants were selected based on the zinc status of the individual at the baseline timepoint. Plasma zinc concentration is the most commonly used marker of zinc status and a value of 660 µgZn/L was used as the threshold below which a participant was categorized as zinc deficient.

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP003329
Sampleprep Summary:One Schirmer strip from each participant at each timepoint was cut into 5 mm sections, up until the tear front was reached, and placed into sterile tubes. A length-adjusted volume of ice-cold 80% methanol was then added to each tube (500 µL per 46 mm Schirmer strip). Strips were vigorously vortexed in the extraction solution for 2 mins before centrifugation at 15,700 RCF at 4°C. Supernatant was transferred to a fresh, clean tube and stored at -80°C before analysis. Targeted metabolomics profiling was performed using a commercially available kit, MxP® Quant500 kit as instructed.

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN005253 AN005254
Analysis type MS MS
Chromatography type Reversed phase Reversed phase
Chromatography system AB Sciex5500+ AB Sciex5500+
Column Biocrates MxP Quant500 (XL) Kit column system Biocrates MxP Quant500 (XL) Kit column system
MS instrument type Triple quadrupole Triple quadrupole
MS instrument name ABI Sciex Triple Quad 5500+ ABI Sciex Triple Quad 5500+
Units uM uM


Chromatography ID:CH003977
Chromatography Summary:Biocrates MxP Quant500 kit column, Product number: 21117.2 (
Instrument Name:AB Sciex5500+
Column Name:Biocrates MxP Quant500 (XL) Kit column system
Column Temperature:50
Flow Gradient:0.8ml/min: 0-0.25min: 0%B, 0.25-1.5min: 12%B, 1.5-2.7min: 17.5%B, 2.7-4min: 50%B, 4-4.5min: 100%B, 1ml/min: 4.5-4.7min: 100%B, 4.7-5.0min: 100%B, 5.0-5.1min: 100%B, 0.8ml/min: 5.1-5.8min: 100%B
Flow Rate:0.8-1ml/min
Solvent A:100% Water; 0.2% formic acid
Solvent B:100% Acetonitrile; 0.2% formic acid
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase


MS ID:MS004985
Analysis ID:AN005253
Instrument Name:ABI Sciex Triple Quad 5500+
Instrument Type:Triple quadrupole
MS Comments:ESI positive acquisition. Data were acquired using Analyst and processed using the MetIDQ software.
MS ID:MS004986
Analysis ID:AN005254
Instrument Name:ABI Sciex Triple Quad 5500+
Instrument Type:Triple quadrupole
MS Comments:ESI negative acquisition. Data were acquired using Analyst and processed using the MetIDQ software.