Summary of Study ST003403

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR002107. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M88C05 This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST003403
Study TitleThe double-edged role of FASII regulator FabT in Streptococcus pyogenes infection - Metabolomics
Study SummaryIn Streptococcus pyogenes, the type II fatty acid (FA) synthesis pathway FASII is feedback-controlled by the FabT repressor. A FabT mutation leads to bacterial growth defect in the presence of eukaryotic cells and their supernatant. We investigated a possible metabolic basis for the mFabT growth defect, which could reflect an incapacity to use cell-secreted products for growth. We used a metabolomics approach to assess metabolites that are differentially consumed by mFabT compared to the WT strain, cultivated in the presence of non-infected endometrial cells supernatants (HEC-1-A cells). HEC-1-A supernatants were inoculated or not with WT or mFabT strains during 8 or 16 h. The metabolite composition of these supernatants was analyzed by Proteigene ( using MxP® Quant 500 kit (Biocrates) by two analytical methods, LC-MS/MS for small molecules and FIA-MS/MS for lipids. This analysis was repeated on 3 independent series of supernatants. These analyses have a defined detection threshold (LOD) for each family of metabolite. You can found in attachment the raw folders and sample informations.
LaboratoryInstitut Cochin - Bacteria and perinatality team
Last NameLambert
First NameClara
Address24 rue Méchain 75014 Paris
Submit Date2024-08-08
Raw Data AvailableYes
Raw Data File Type(s)mzML
Analysis Type DetailLC-MS
Release Date2024-08-19
Release Version1
Clara Lambert Clara Lambert application/zip

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Project ID:PR002107
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M88C05
Project Title:The double-edged role of FASII regulator FabT in Streptococcus pyogenes infection
Project Type:MS quantitative analysis
Project Summary:In Streptococcus pyogenes, the type II fatty acid (FA) synthesis pathway FASII is feedback-controlled by the FabT repressor. A FabT mutation leads to FASII dysregulation, FAs membrane modification and bacterial growth defect in the presence of eukaryotic cells and their supernatant. We try to understand the consequences on bacteria metabolism.
Laboratory:Institut Cochin - Bacteria and perinatality team
Last Name:Lambert
First Name:Clara
Address:24 rue Méchain 75014 Paris
Publications:The double-edged role of FASII regulator FabT in Streptococcus pyogenes infection


Subject ID:SU003528
Subject Type:Bacteria
Subject Species:Streptococcus pyogenes
Genotype Strain:M28PF1
Gender:Not applicable
Species Group:Bacteria


Subject type: Bacteria; Subject species: Streptococcus pyogenes (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id Sample source Treatment
SA371913SN inoculated mFabT-16h_1Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Inoculated with mFabT during 16h
SA371914SN inoculated mFabT-16h_2Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Inoculated with mFabT during 16h
SA371915SN inoculated mFabT-16h_3Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Inoculated with mFabT during 16h
SA371916SN inoculated mFabT-8h_1Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Inoculated with mFabT during 8h
SA371917SN inoculated mFabT-8h_2Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Inoculated with mFabT during 8h
SA371918SN inoculated mFabT-8h_3Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Inoculated with mFabT during 8h
SA371907SN inoculated WT-16h_2Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Inoculated with WT during 16h
SA371908SN inoculated WT-16h_3Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Inoculated with WT during 16h
SA371909SN inoculated WT-16h_1Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Inoculated with WT during 16h
SA371910SN inoculated WT-8h_2Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Inoculated with WT during 8h
SA371911SN inoculated WT-8h_3Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Inoculated with WT during 8h
SA371912SN inoculated WT-8h_1Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Inoculated with WT during 8h
SA371919SN_2Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Non infected
SA371920SN_3Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Non infected
SA371921SN_1Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Non infected
SA371922RPMI_1Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Non infected Non treated
SA371923RPMI_2Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Non infected Non treated
SA371924RPMI_3Supernatants of HEC-1-A cancer cells Non infected Non treated
Showing results 1 to 18 of 18


Collection ID:CO003521
Collection Summary:HEC-1-A supernatants were inoculated or not with WT or mFabT strains during 8 or 16 h. The metabolite composition of these supernatants was analyzed by Proteigene ( using MxP® Quant 500 kit (Biocrates) by two analytical methods, LC-MS/MS for small molecules and FIA-MS/MS for lipids. This analysis was repeated on 3 independent series of supernatants. These analyses have a defined detection threshold (LOD) for each family of metabolite. You can found in attachment the raw folders and sample informations.
Sample Type:Bacterial cells


Treatment ID:TR003537
Treatment Summary:HEC-1-A supernatants were inoculated or not with WT or mFabT strains during 8 or 16 h.

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP003535
Sampleprep Summary:HEC-1-A supernatants were inoculated or not with WT or mFabT strains during 8 or 16 h. The metabolite composition of these supernatants was analyzed by Proteigene ( using MxP® Quant 500 kit (Biocrates) by two analytical methods, LC-MS/MS for small molecules and FIA-MS/MS for lipids. This analysis was repeated on 3 independent series of supernatants. These analyses have a defined detection threshold (LOD) for each family of metabolite.

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN005584 AN005585
Analysis type MS MS
Chromatography type Reversed phase FIA
Chromatography system Exion LC AD None
Column Biocrates MxP500 column (50 x 2.1 mm) NA
MS instrument type Triple quadrupole QTRAP
MS instrument name ABI Sciex 6500+ QTrap Biocrates Kit
Units µM µM


Chromatography ID:CH004244
Instrument Name:Exion LC AD
Column Name:Biocrates MxP500 column (50 x 2.1 mm)
Column Temperature:50
Flow Gradient:0.8ml/min: 0-0.25min: 0%B, 0.25-1.5min: 12%B, 1.5-2.7min: 17.5%B, 2.7-4min: 50%B, 4-4.5min: 100%B, 1ml/min: 4.5-4.7min: 100%B, 4.7-5.0min: 100%B, 5.0-5.1min: 100%B, 0.8ml/min: 5.1-5.8min: 100%B
Flow Rate:0.8 mL/min
Solvent A:100% water; 0.2% formic acid
Solvent B:100% acetonitrile; 0.2% formic acid
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase
Chromatography ID:CH004245
Instrument Name:None
Column Name:NA
Column Temperature:NA
Flow Gradient:NA
Flow Rate:NA
Solvent A:NA
Solvent B:NA
Chromatography Type:FIA


MS ID:MS005309
Analysis ID:AN005584
Instrument Name:ABI Sciex 6500+ QTrap
Instrument Type:Triple quadrupole
MS Comments:MS acquisition Comments:Ion Mode was Positive and Negative mode. Software : MetIDQ version Oxygen-DB110-3005
MS ID:MS005310
Analysis ID:AN005585
Instrument Name:Biocrates Kit
Instrument Type:QTRAP
MS Comments:MS acquisition Comments:Ion Mode was Positive and Negative mode. Software : MetIDQ version Oxygen-DB110-3005