Summary of all studies

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(#: Contains untargeted data)     Results per page:
Study ID
Study Title
(* : Contains raw data)
ST003734 Altered Omega-6/Omega-3 PUFA Ratios and Phospholipid Profiles in CFTR-Mutant PANC-1 Cells Reveal Novel Links Between CFTR Function and Lipid Metabolism Homo sapiens Changhai Hospital LC-MS 2025-02-19 1 52 Uploaded data (1.5G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003416 The “metabolic fingerprint” of cytotoxic gold drugs in cancer cells disclosed by NMR Homo sapiens University of Florence NMR 2025-02-17 1 259 Uploaded data (733.5M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003686 Characterization of the transpulmonary metabolome at the intersection of pulmonary vascular disease and exercise Homo sapiens University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2025-02-17 1 468 Uploaded data (9.2G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003697 Cross-sectional salivary metabolomics of the FAME cohort (children 11-17 years) Homo sapiens Ghent University LC-MS# 2025-02-17 1 610 Uploaded data (45.9G)*
(Data format:mzML, mzXML)
ST003685 Investigation of C. elegans adah-1 gene for potential adenosine demainaseme activity via quantification of predicted substrate and product in control animals and animals with knockdown in expression of adah-1 Caenorhabditis elegans Pennsylvania State University LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 38 Uploaded data (20.3G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003706 Cross-sectional salivary metabolomics of the OPERA corhort Homo sapiens Ghent University LC-MS# 2025-02-14 1 164 Uploaded data (1.7G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003709 Cross-sectional salivary metabolomics of the PANIC cohort (children 11-17 years) Homo sapiens Ghent University LC-MS# 2025-02-14 1 354 Uploaded data (7.8G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003714 Lipidomics analysis of mouse PDAC cell lines treated with alpha-eleostearic acid Mus musculus University of Chicago LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 18 Uploaded data (5.5G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003715 Lipidomics analysis of mouse PDAC cell lines treated with tung oil Mus musculus University of Chicago LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 18 Uploaded data (5.5G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003716 Lipidomics analysis of mice treated with tung or safflower oil by oral gavage. Mus musculus University of Chicago LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 24 Uploaded data (13.2G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003717 Lipidomics analysis of mouse pancreatic cancer cells cultured RPMI, TIFM, or TIFM + arginine under lipid deprivation Mus musculus University of Chicago LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 18 Uploaded data (5.6G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003718 Metabolomics of plasma and tumor interstitial fluid (TIF) of tumors from Lyz2-Cre(+/+);Arg1(fl/fl) mice. Mus musculus University of Chicago LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 22 Uploaded data (306.7M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003725 Identification of temperature-sensitive modifications in Thermococcus kodakarensis Thermococcus kodakarensis New England Biolabs LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 196 Uploaded data (227.4M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003726 RNA modification profiles in archaeal and non-archaeal species Thermococcus kodakarensis, Thermococcus sp. AM4, Methanococcus maripaludis, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, Sulfolobus islandicus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli, Homo sapiens New England Biolabs LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 45 Uploaded data (44.8M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003727 Identification of modified nucleosides in mRNA-enriched archaeal samples Thermococcus kodakarensis, Thermococcus sp. AM4, Methanococcus maripaludis, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, Sulfolobus islandicus New England Biolabs LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 42 Uploaded data (15.3M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003728 Identification and quantification of a m7G modification in T. kodakarensis ribosomal RNA Thermococcus kodakarensis New England Biolabs LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 58 Uploaded data (28.7M)*
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ST003575 Lipidomic Profiling of a Preclinical Model of Streptozotocin induced Diabetic Cardiomyopathy Mus musculus Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute LC-MS 2025-02-13 1 17 Uploaded data (64.9M)*
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ST003687 Cross-sectional salivary metabolomics of the Fin-HIT corhort Homo sapiens Ghent University LC-MS# 2025-02-13 1 582 Uploaded data (4.7G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003695 Metabolomics studies on mouse cecum samples on a Western diet Mus musculus University of Sydney LC-MS 2025-02-13 1 35 Uploaded data (15.6M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003719 Differential network analysis integrates pathway mapping to characterize dynamic metabolic changes in the progression of diabetic complications Rattus norvegicus Xiamen university NMR# 2025-02-13 1 153 Uploaded data (86.5M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003505 Investigation of polyamine biosynthesis and metabolism in gut microbiome by stale isotope resolved metabolomics Human (Intestinal bacteria); Mouse (Intestinal bacteria); Bacteroides (B.fragilis and B.thetaiotaomicron) Soochow University LC-MS# 2025-02-11 1 24 Uploaded data (3.3G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003614 Kupffer cells control neonatal hepatic glucose metabolism via Igf1 signaling - lipidomics analysis of postnatal day 0 murine livers after macropahges depletion Mus musculus University of Bonn MS(Dir. Inf.) 2025-02-11 1 10 Uploaded data (51.8M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003615 Kupffer cells control neonatal hepatic glucose metabolism via Igf1 signaling - C13 glucose traced metabolites analysis of postnatal day 0 livers after macropahges depletion Mus musculus University of Bonn GC-MS 2025-02-11 1 24 Uploaded data (6.5M)*
(Data format:cdf)
ST003674 Metabolomic and lipoproteomic differences and similarities among different types of pneumonia Homo sapiens University of Florence NMR 2025-02-11 1 45 Uploaded data (694.8M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003675 Polar Metabolite Profiles Distinguish Between Early and Severe Sub-maintenance Nutritional States of Wild Bighorn Sheep Ovis canadensis canadensis Montana State University NMR 2025-02-11 1 398 Not available
ST003702 Kupffer cells control neonatal hepatic glucose metabolism via Igf1 signaling - lipidomics analysis of postnatal day 0 murine livers after macropahges depletion using Csf1r conditional KO Mus musculus University of Bonn MS(Dir. Inf.) 2025-02-11 1 12 Uploaded data (61M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003663 Metabolic and Morphometric Analysis of Allometric and Total Liver Growth in Post-Hatch Chickens Gallus gallus University of Delaware GC-MS 2025-02-05 1 206 Uploaded data (2.2G)*
(Data format:cdf)
ST003672 Advanced Lipidomics Using UHPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS Reveals Novel Lipids in Hibernating Syrian Hamsters Mesocricetus auratus Universidad CEU San Pablo LC-MS 2025-02-05 1 19 Uploaded data (766.4M)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003673 Identification of plasma metabolites responding to oxycodone exposure in rats Rattus norvegicus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2025-02-05 1 31 Not available
ST003192 Aspartate tracing in Wildtype and UQCRC2 Knockout 143B Cells Homo sapiens UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS 2025-02-04 1 9 Uploaded data (781.5M)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003197 UQ/RQ panel on wildtype mouse tissue Mus musculus UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS# 2025-02-04 1 104 Uploaded data (5G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003198 UQ/RQ panel on human tissue Homo sapiens UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS# 2025-02-04 1 48 Uploaded data (2.2G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003204 Glutamine Tracing Assay on Caki1 WT and 769P WT versus Caki1 RquA and 769P RquA Homo sapiens UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS 2025-02-04 1 24 Uploaded data (1.8G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003214 Glutamine Tracing Assay in RquA AAV Injected Mice with a Standard Curve Mus musculus UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS 2025-02-04 1 21 Uploaded data (2G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003217 Measuring UQ/UQH2 in WT and RquA 143B cell in Hypoxia Homo sapiens UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS# 2025-02-04 1 12 Uploaded data (906.2M)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003218 Glutamine Tracing Assay in WT and SDHB KO 143B cells Treated with HKJS003 Homo sapiens UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS 2025-02-04 1 18 Uploaded data (1.8G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003397 Glutamine Tracing in Mice injected with HKJS001 and Malonic Acid Mus musculus UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS 2025-02-04 1 23 Uploaded data (2.4G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003404 Aspartate Tracing in SDHB KO RquA 143B Cells Homo sapiens UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS 2025-02-04 1 18 Uploaded data (2G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003065 Investigative needle core biopsies for multi-omics in Glioblastoma Homo sapiens Brigham and Women's Hospital MS(Dir. Inf.) 2025-02-03 1 1 Uploaded data (12.4M)*
(Data format:imzML)
ST003500 A UHPLC-MS/MS Method for Profiling of Urinary Mercapturic Acids using Positive Ion Mode Homo sapiens University of Minnesota LC-MS# 2025-02-03 1 50 Uploaded data (27.2G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003566 Unraveling cysteine deficiency-associated rapid weight loss Mus musculus NYU Grossman School of Medicine LC-MS 2025-02-03 1 102 Uploaded data (41.7G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003698 Impact of High Fat diet-induced metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) on Heart, Kidney and Skeletal Muscle Metabolomes in Wild-type Mice Mus musculus Center for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology (CIBB UC) NMR# 2025-02-03 1 131 Uploaded data (59.5M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003057 Spatiotemporal mapping of lipid disturbance in heart injury - Part 1 Mus musculus National University of Singapore LC-MS 2025-01-30 1 90 Uploaded data (187.1M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003058 Spatiotemporal mapping of lipid disturbance in heart injury - Part 2 Mus musculus National University of Singapore LC-MS 2025-01-30 1 29 Uploaded data (41.9M)*
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ST003059 Spatiotemporal mapping of lipid disturbance in heart injury - Part 3 Sus scrofa National University of Singapore LC-MS 2025-01-30 1 30 Uploaded data (63.5M)*
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ST003651 Biguanides antithetically regulate tumor properties by the dose-dependent mitochondrial reprogramming-driven c-Src pathway Homo sapiens Baylor College of Medicine LC-MS 2025-01-30 1 16 Uploaded data (24.3M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003681 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate - untargeted LCMS data from human fecal samples Homo sapiens University of Luxembourg LC-MS 2025-01-28 1 5 Uploaded data (547.9M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003679 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate - untargeted LCMS data from SPF experiment Mus musculus University of Luxembourg LC-MS 2025-01-27 1 17 Uploaded data (5.1G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003680 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate - untargeted LCMS data from CMT experiment Mus musculus University of Luxembourg LC-MS 2025-01-27 1 16 Uploaded data (11.5G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003683 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate - untargeted LCMS data from mouse plasma samples Mus musculus University of Luxembourg LC-MS 2025-01-27 1 16 Uploaded data (1.4G)*
(Data format:mzML)