
Choose a analysis:

Hint: You can either select all, or use ctrl + select to choose multiple

Check the experimental factors of this study in the table below. The first column is grouped (combined) factors and subsequent columns are individual factors

1HippocampusGroup:Control | Timepoint:8 weeks of training or control time | Sex:FemaleControl8 weeks of training or control timeFemaleGroup:Control
2HippocampusGroup:Control | Timepoint:8 weeks of training or control time | Sex:MaleControl8 weeks of training or control timeMaleGroup:Control
3_QC_Group:QC-Blank | Timepoint:0 hour | Sex:- | Tissue:-QC-Blank0 hour-Tissue:-
4_QC_Group:QC-ExternalStandard | Timepoint:0 hour | Sex:- | Tissue:-QC-ExternalStandard0 hour-Tissue:-
5_QC_Group:QC-Pooled | Timepoint:0 hour | Sex:- | Tissue:-QC-Pooled0 hour-Tissue:-
6_QC_Group:QC-PreRun | Timepoint:0 hour | Sex:- | Tissue:-QC-PreRun0 hour-Tissue:-
7HippocampusGroup:Training | Timepoint:1 week of training or control time | Sex:FemaleTraining1 week of training or control timeFemaleGroup:Training
8HippocampusGroup:Training | Timepoint:1 week of training or control time | Sex:MaleTraining1 week of training or control timeMaleGroup:Training
9HippocampusGroup:Training | Timepoint:2 weeks of training | Sex:FemaleTraining2 weeks of trainingFemaleGroup:Training
10HippocampusGroup:Training | Timepoint:2 weeks of training | Sex:MaleTraining2 weeks of trainingMaleGroup:Training
11HippocampusGroup:Training | Timepoint:4 weeks of training | Sex:FemaleTraining4 weeks of trainingFemaleGroup:Training
12HippocampusGroup:Training | Timepoint:4 weeks of training | Sex:MaleTraining4 weeks of trainingMaleGroup:Training
13HippocampusGroup:Training | Timepoint:8 weeks of training or control time | Sex:FemaleTraining8 weeks of training or control timeFemaleGroup:Training
14HippocampusGroup:Training | Timepoint:8 weeks of training or control time | Sex:MaleTraining8 weeks of training or control timeMaleGroup:Training

Choose factor column:

Take a hint from the table above
