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Download data matrix(Seryl-leucine core 1 O-glycosylated peptide (SLC1G) identification Reversed phase POSITIVE ION MODE/TOF)

Reversed phase POSITIVE ION MODE/TOFSLC1G_only.dSample Type:Enriched SLC1GCounts
Reversed phase POSITIVE ION MODE/TOFSLC1G+a2-368.dSample Type:Enriched SLC1G after treatment with a2-3,6,8 neuraminidaseCounts
Reversed phase POSITIVE ION MODE/TOFSLC1G+both.dSample Type:Enriched SLC1G after treatment with a2-3,6,8 neuraminidase and O-glycosidaseCounts
Reversed phase POSITIVE ION MODE/TOFSLC1G+a2-3.dSample Type:Enriched SLC1G after treatment with a2-3 neuraminidaseCounts