ST003129 Pulmonary maternal immune activation does not extend through the placenta but leads to fetal metabolic adaptation - Maternal liver
Limit by pathway class:
   Minimum # of metabolites per pathway:

Pathway name (# of metabolites detected in this study)HMDB pathwayKEGG pathway
Alpha Linolenic Acid and Linoleic Acid Metabolism (1) SMP0000018 map00592
Arachidonic Acid Metabolism (1) SMP0000075 map00590
Glutamate Metabolism (1) SMP0000072 map00250
Glutathione Metabolism (1) SMP0000015 map00480
Phospholipid Biosynthesis (2) SMP0000025 map00564
Pyruvaldehyde Degradation (1) SMP0000459 -
Pyruvate Metabolism (1) SMP0000060 map00620
Sphingolipid Metabolism (64) SMP0000034 map00600