List of human metabolic pathways and metabolites (REACTOME)

Pathway name (# of metabolites detected in study)Reactome pathway
Aflatoxin activation and detoxification REACT_228214
Amino acid transport across the plasma membrane REACT_13796
Antigen Presentation: Folding, assembly and peptide loading of class I MHC REACT_75795
Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation REACT_75842
Carnitine synthesis REACT_2125
Conjugation of benzoate with glycine REACT_6933
Conjugation of salicylate with glycine REACT_6812
Creatine metabolism REACT_813
CREB phosphorylation through the activation of CaMKII REACT_20642
Cross-presentation of soluble exogenous antigens (endosomes) REACT_111056
Cytosolic tRNA aminoacylation REACT_15306
Endosomal/Vacuolar pathway REACT_111168
EPHB-mediated forward signaling REACT_228085
ER-Phagosome pathway REACT_111178
Glutathione synthesis and recycling REACT_6960
Glyoxylate metabolism REACT_16925
Heme biosynthesis REACT_9465
Ligand-gated ion channel transport REACT_25387
Metabolism of folate and pterines REACT_11167
Mitochondrial tRNA aminoacylation REACT_15302
Na+/Cl- dependent neurotransmitter transporters REACT_20506
Proton-coupled neutral amino acid transporters REACT_19348
Proton/oligonucleotide cotransporters REACT_19328
Purine ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthesis REACT_1776
Ras activation uopn Ca2+ infux through NMDA receptor REACT_20546
Recycling of bile acids and salts REACT_11042
Sulfur amino acid metabolism REACT_115639
Synthesis of bile acids and bile salts via 7alpha-hydroxycholesterol REACT_11041
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) REACT_150420
Transport of inorganic cations/anions and amino acids/oligopeptides REACT_19397
Unblocking of NMDA receptor, glutamate binding and activation REACT_20594