Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:2-Pyrrolidinone)

ST002405 AN003919 Stool global metabolite levels in peanut allergy (Part 2) Feces Human Peanut allergy Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Absolute Intensity
ST000972 AN001592 High Resolution GC-MS Metabolomics of Non-Human Primate Serum Blood Baboon Wake Forest School of Medicine Arbitrary units
ST002758 AN004477 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Plasma) Blood Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002759 AN004481 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Kidney cortex) Kidney cortex Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002761 AN004487 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Urine) Urine Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002761 AN004489 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Urine) Urine Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST001639 AN002681 Plasma Metabolomic signatures of COPD in a SPIROMICS cohort Blood Human COPD National Jewish Health AU
ST002173 AN003561 Unveiling the mechanism of action of nature-inspired anti-cancer compounds using a multi-Omics approach Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Sharjah AU
ST002211 AN003615 Effects of Medwakh Smoking on Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Among Youth in UAE using Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry Saliva Human Oxidative stress Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002248 AN003674 Quantitative multi-Omics analysis of paclitaxel-loaded Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles for identification of potential biomarkers for head and neck cancer Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Sharjah AU
ST002250 AN003676 Ramadan diurnal intermittent fasting is associated with significant plasma metabolomics changes in overweight and obese subjects: A prospective cohort study Blood Human Obesity University of Sharjah AU
ST002273 AN003715 Multi-Omics analysis revealed a significant alteration of critical metabolic pathways due to sorafenib-resistance in Hep3B cell lines Cultured cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002301 AN003757 Serum metabolomics profiling identifies new predictive biomarkers for disease severity in COVID-19 patients Blood Human COVID-19 Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002415 AN003936 Proteomics and metabolomics of multiple sclerosis Brain Mouse Multiple sclerosis Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002416 AN003937 Proteomics and metabolomics of multiple sclerosis (Part 2) Brain Mouse Multiple sclerosis Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002447 AN003988 Bioactive molecule(s) of gut bacteria of Crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) as potential pharmaceuticals Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacterial infection Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002553 AN004204 Exploring the Impact of Oral Arabic Gum Consumption on Sphingolipid Metabolism and human metabolites in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Mass Spectrometry Analysis Blood Human Chronic kidney disease Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002697 AN004371 Employing Hindlimb Unloading Model for The Identification of Serum Biomarkers Associated with Cardiovascular and Skeletal Muscle Deconditioning. Blood Mouse Musculoskeletal system disease Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002703 AN004383 Multi-Omics Analysis Revealed a Significant Molecular Changes in Doxorubicin-Resistant Lung Cancer Cells. Lung Human Cancer University of Sharjah AU
ST002703 AN004383 Multi-Omics Analysis Revealed a Significant Molecular Changes in Doxorubicin-Resistant Lung Cancer Cells. Lung Human Lung disease University of Sharjah AU
ST002730 AN004427 Multi-Omics profiling of Candida albicans from agar plate and suspension media Yeast cells Candida albicans University of Sharjah AU
ST002731 AN004428 Untargeted Multi-Omics of LNCaP Cell-line Treated with Novel DNA Minor Groove Binder and /or Doxorubicin Using Mass-Spectrometry LNCaP cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002755 AN004472 Metabolomics Profiling of the Antiproliferative, Anti-migratory and Anti-invasive Potential of Amlodipine in Lung Cancer Cells Lung Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002910 AN004779 Identifying the impact of RelA overexpression in triple negative breast cancer cells using mass spectroscopy-based proteomics and metabolomics analysis Cultured cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002976 AN004886 Metabolomics Insights into Doxorubicin and 5-Fluorouracil Combination Therapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: A Xenograft Model Study (Part 2) Blood Mouse Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST003029 AN004966 Estrogen-mediated inhibition of purine metabolism and cell cycle arrest as a novel therapeutic approach in colorectal cancer cells Colorectal Cancer Cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST003146 AN005162 Exploring The Impact of Two Novel DNA Minor Groove Binders on HCT-116 Cells: A Comprehensive Multi-Omics Analysis Using Mass Spectrometry Cultured cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST001875 AN003037 Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on AB 5600-Part 2 Feces Mouse Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics blank-substracted abundances
ST001875 AN003037 Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on AB 5600-Part 2 Liver Mouse Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics blank-substracted abundances
ST001876 AN003038 Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on Agilent 6546-Part 2 Feces Mouse Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics blank-substracted abundances
ST001876 AN003038 Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on Agilent 6546-Part 2 Liver Mouse Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics blank-substracted abundances
ST002380 AN003879 Metabolomic and Cultivation Insights into the Tolerance of the Spacecraft-Associated Acinetobacter Towards Kleenol 30, a Cleanroom Floor Detergent Bacterial cells Acinetobacter california state polytechnic university, pomona counts
ST000381 AN000615 Urinary Metabolites in IC/PBS Diagnosis (part I) Urine Human Interstitial cystitis University of California, Davis Counts
ST000392 AN000628 Systemic Metabolomic Changes in Blood Samples of Lung Cancer Patients Identified by Gas Chromatography Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Blood Human Cancer University of California, Davis Counts
ST000395 AN000632 The circadian oscillator in Synechococcus elongatus controls metabolite partitioning during diurnal growth (part II) Bacterial cells Synechococcus elongatus University of California, Davis Counts
ST000401 AN000640 Inhibition of diamine oxidase promotes uptake of putrescine from rat small intestine Intestine Rat University of California, Davis Counts
ST000495 AN000761 Metabolomic profiles along the gastrointestinal tract of the healthy dog Intestine Dog University of California, Davis Counts
ST000878 AN001428 Fatty Acid Oxidation is Impaired in An Orthologous Mouse Model of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Kidney Mouse Kidney disease University of California, Davis Counts
ST000884 AN001441 Evidence that COG0325 proteins are involved in PLP homeostasis Cells E. coli University of California, Davis Counts
ST000910 AN001480 Insights into the pathogenesis of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) through metabolomic profiling of cerebrospinal fluid (part I) Cerebrospinal fluid Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, Davis Counts
ST000979 AN001603 Metabolomic profiles in healthy research cats receiving clindamycin with a synbiotic or a placebo: a randomized, controlled trial Feces Cat Antibiotic resistance University of California, Davis Counts
ST000981 AN001607 Metabolomic profiles in healthy research cats receiving clindamycin with a synbiotic or a placebo: a randomized, controlled trial (Part II) Feces Cat Antibiotic resistance University of California, Davis Counts
ST002869 AN004702 Identifying Biodegradation Pathways of Cetrimonium Bromide (CTAB) Using Metagenome, Metatranscriptome, and Metabolome Tri-omics Integration Water Bacteria Environmental exposure Arizona State University counts per second
ST000508 AN000777 Metabolic Profiling of Date Palm Fruits Plant Date palm Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar Counts per second
ST000867 AN001395 Metabolic Profiling of Date Palm Fruits (part II) Date palm fruit Date palm Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar Counts per second
ST002956 AN004855 An application of automated LLE extraction in determine the age and HFD effects in adult mice in metabolomic, lipidomic, and proteomic Blood Mouse Calico Life Sciences Log2(Top Peak Area)
ST002419 AN003940 Metabolomic changes in growth of E. colik at four timespoints in MOPS rich and minimum medium Bacterial cells E. coli Duke Kunshan University mmol/L
ST003349 AN005485 An integrated LC-MS analysis of the biometric characteristics of different time cohorts of race walkers - targeted Blood Human The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University ng/mL
ST001133 AN001858 Downregulation of CENPF epigenetically remodels prostate cancer cells and alters cellular metabolism Prostate Human Cancer Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Normalized intensity
ST002012 AN003286 Untargeted primary metabolite profiling in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaves Arabidopsis thaliana Salk Institute for Biological Studies normalized peak height
ST002012 AN003286 Untargeted primary metabolite profiling in Arabidopsis thaliana Roots Arabidopsis thaliana Salk Institute for Biological Studies normalized peak height
ST002825 AN004609 Brain Metabolomics in Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) Brain Human Neurodegenerative disease UC Davis normalized peak heights
ST002020 AN003290 TIPs Metabolomics (urine) Urine Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center osmolality normalized scaled imputed
ST001873 AN003035 Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on AB 5600-Part 1 Blood Human Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics peak area
ST001873 AN003035 Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on AB 5600-Part 1 Hep G2 cells Human Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics peak area
ST001873 AN003035 Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on AB 5600-Part 1 Urine Human Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics peak area
ST001874 AN003036 Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on Agilent 6546-Part 1 Blood Human Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics peak area
ST001874 AN003036 Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on Agilent 6546-Part 1 Hep G2 cells Human Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics peak area
ST001874 AN003036 Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on Agilent 6546-Part 1 Urine Human Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics peak area
ST001927 AN003133 Fungal consortium of two Beauveria bassiana strains increases their virulence, growth, and resistance to stress: a metabolomic approach. Fungal cells Fungi Universidade Federal do Paraná peak area
ST002498 AN004654 Plasma Metabolomics Profiling of 580 Patients from the Weill Cornell Medicine Early Detection Research Network Prostate Cancer Cohort Blood Human Cancer Weill Cornell Medicine peak area
ST000025 AN000045 Metabolomics Analysis of Thermally Challenged Mayfly Larvae (GCMS analysis) Whole insect Athorix RTI International Peak area
ST000025 AN000045 Metabolomics Analysis of Thermally Challenged Mayfly Larvae (GCMS analysis) Whole insect Mayfly RTI International Peak area
ST000040 AN000060 Heatshock response of C. elegans using IROA (I) Worms C. elegans University of Florida Peak area
ST000057 AN000095 Combined Metabolomics and Lipidomics of Type 1 Diabetes (GCMS) Mouse Diabetes University of California, Davis Peak area
ST000063 AN000101 Biomarkers for Depression in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid in a Population Sample Cerebrospinal fluid Human University of California, Davis Peak area
ST000087 AN000139 A study of changes in lipid metabolism of ovarian cancer cells co-cultured with adipocytes: GC-TOF MS analysis Human Cancer University of California, Davis Peak area
ST000118 AN000199 Metabolomics analysis of multiple metabolic functions in the YjgF/YER057c/UK114 (Rid) protein family GCMS (part 2) Bacterial cells E. coli University of California, Davis Peak area
ST000118 AN000199 Metabolomics analysis of multiple metabolic functions in the YjgF/YER057c/UK114 (Rid) protein family GCMS (part 2) Bacterial cells Salmonella University of California, Davis Peak area
ST000164 AN000256 Metabolomic analysis of normal and diabetic mouse bone marrow under PBS or metformin treatment Bone marrow Mouse Diabetes New York University Peak area
ST000260 AN000415 Analysis of DJ-1 Knockout Mouse Brains Brain Mouse National Insitute on Aging Peak area
ST000291 AN000464 LC-MS Based Approaches to Investigate Metabolomic Differences in the Urine of Young Women after Drinking Cranberry Juice or Apple Juice Urine Human University of Florida Peak area
ST000292 AN000466 LC-MS Based Approaches to Investigate Metabolomic Differences in the Plasma of Young Women after Drinking Cranberry Juice or Apple Juice Blood Human University of Florida Peak area
ST001117 AN001813 A Metabolomic study of hibernating Syrian hamster brain: in search of neuroprotective agents Brain Hamster Universidad CEU San Pablo Peak area
ST001412 AN002362 Metabolomics study in Plasma of Obese Patients with Neuropathy Identifies Potential Metabolomics Signatures Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan Peak area
ST001606 AN002639 Aromatic amino acid metabolism by the anaerobic gut bacterium Clostridium sporogenes Blood Mouse Stanford University Peak area
ST001606 AN002639 Aromatic amino acid metabolism by the anaerobic gut bacterium Clostridium sporogenes Feces Mouse Stanford University Peak area
ST001606 AN002639 Aromatic amino acid metabolism by the anaerobic gut bacterium Clostridium sporogenes Intestine Mouse Stanford University Peak area
ST001606 AN002639 Aromatic amino acid metabolism by the anaerobic gut bacterium Clostridium sporogenes Urine Mouse Stanford University Peak area
ST002492 AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Plants Northeastern University Peak area
ST003307 AN005418 Untargeted metabolomics of rhizosphere soil from 4-years Panax ginseng that was treated with endo-borneol under field condition Soil Other Yunnan University Peak area
ST002754 AN004468 Metabolomics analysis of maternal obesity model Blood Mouse Fatty liver disease University of Bonn Peak Area
ST003053 AN005006 Providing insight into the mechanism of action of Cationic Lipidated Oligomers (CLOs) using metabolomics Bacterial cells Staphylococcus aureus Bacterial infection Monash University peak height
ST003053 AN005007 Providing insight into the mechanism of action of Cationic Lipidated Oligomers (CLOs) using metabolomics Bacterial cells Staphylococcus aureus Bacterial infection Monash University peak height
ST000007 AN000021 Rice Infection Study Plant Rice Bacterial infection University of California, Davis Peak height
ST000286 AN000454 Mouse skeletal myotube chronic low-frequency stimulation Myotubes Mouse University of Florida Peak height
ST000352 AN000574 Metabolic profiling reveals biochemical pathways and potential biomarkers associated with the pathogenesis of Krabbe disease Brain Mouse Krabbe disease University at Buffalo Peak height
ST000978 AN001602 Metabolomics biomarkers and the risk of overall mortality and ESRD in CKD: results from the Progredir Cohort. Blood Human Kidney disease Sao Paulo University Peak height
ST001034 AN001695 PAMP-triggered changes in the exometabolome of Arabidopsis suspension cells Cultured cells Arabidopsis thaliana Bacterial infection Oregon State University Peak height
ST001088 AN001773 Physiological and metabolic response of crab megalopae and juveniles to ocean acidification Muscle Crab NOAA NWFSC Peak height
ST001110 AN001804 Investigating link between metabolism and circadian rhythm in Drosophila melanogaster Head tissue Fruit fly University of California, Davis Peak height
ST001166 AN001928 Physiological and metabolic response of pteropods to ocean acidification (part IV) Muscle Crab NOAA NWFSC Peak height
ST001211 AN002016 Metabolomic Markers of Methotrexate Response, In Vitro Cultured cells Human University Of Kansas Peak height
ST001276 AN002117 Development and Characterisation of a Novel Class of Aroyl Guanidine Containing Anti-Trypanosomal Compounds Cultured cells Trypanosoma brucei Sleeping sickness Monash University Peak height
ST001637 AN002679 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain Brain Mouse University of California, Davis Peak height
ST001888 AN003061 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain (Study part II) Brain Mouse University of California, Davis Peak height
ST003179 AN005221 Property and Activity Refinement of Dihydroquinazolinone-3-carboxamides as Orally Efficacious Antimalarials that Target PfATP4 Plasmodium cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University Peak height
ST001282 AN002126 Role of Hi1a in mitochondrial metabolic rewiring in M1 Macrophages Macrophages Mouse National Cancer Institute Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST001318 AN002194 Atg32-mediated mitophagy promotes heat stress tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by sustaining spermidine and nitric oxide levels Yeast cells Yeast West Coast Metabolomics Center - UC Davis Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST001495 AN002478 Effects of Synbiotic Administration on Fecal Microbiome and Metabolomic Profiles of Dogs receiving Antibiotics Feces Dog University of California, Davis Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST001526 AN002547 Mitochondrial health is enhanced in rats with higher vs. lower intrinsic exercise capacity and extended lifespan Blood Rat National Institute on Aging Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST001526 AN002547 Mitochondrial health is enhanced in rats with higher vs. lower intrinsic exercise capacity and extended lifespan Heart Rat National Institute on Aging Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST001526 AN002547 Mitochondrial health is enhanced in rats with higher vs. lower intrinsic exercise capacity and extended lifespan Liver Rat National Institute on Aging Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST001702 AN002773 A cross-sectional study of functional and metabolic changes during aging through the lifespan in male mice (Heart) part-IV Heart Mouse National Institutes of Health Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST001703 AN002774 A cross-sectional study of functional and metabolic changes during aging through the lifespan in male mice (Brain) part-V Brain Mouse National Institutes of Health Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST002556 AN004211 Blood metabolomics and impacted cellular mechanisms during transition into lactation in dairy cows that develop metritis Blood Cow Infection University of Florida peak heights
ST002556 AN004211 Blood metabolomics and impacted cellular mechanisms during transition into lactation in dairy cows that develop metritis Blood Cow Inflammation University of Florida peak heights
ST002994 AN004918 Integrating uterine metabolome and microbiome data to advance the understanding of metritis development in dairy cows Uterine fluid Cow Bacterial infection University of Florida peak heights
ST002493 AN004085 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Plants Massachusetts Institute of Technology peak intensity
ST000421 AN000663 ms3076 T1D poor glycemic control and control samples Blood Human Diabetes Mayo Clinic Peak intensity
ST000422 AN000667 Type 1 Diabetes good glycemic control and controls samples Blood Human Diabetes Mayo Clinic Peak intensity
ST000422 AN000669 Type 1 Diabetes good glycemic control and controls samples Blood Human Diabetes Mayo Clinic Peak intensity
ST000549 AN000837 Investigating large scale metabolomics in mice serum lacking insulin receptors and IGF-1 receptors Blood Mouse Diabetes Mayo Clinic Peak intensity
ST000549 AN000839 Investigating large scale metabolomics in mice serum lacking insulin receptors and IGF-1 receptors Blood Mouse Diabetes Mayo Clinic Peak intensity
ST001547 AN002576 β-Adrenergic regulation of metabolism in macrophages Macrophages Human Monash University Peak intensity
ST001548 AN002578 β-Adrenergic regulation of metabolism in macrophages (part-II) Macrophages Human Monash University Peak intensity
ST001827 AN002963 The pregnancy metabolome from a multi-ethnic pregnancy cohort Blood Human Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai pmoles/l
ST002818 AN004586 Evaluation of Novel Candidate Filtration Markers from a Global Metabolomics Discovery for Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (ALTOLD) Blood Human Tufts Medical Center raw area counts rescaled to set the median equal to 1
ST002820 AN004594 Evaluation of Novel Candidate Filtration Markers from a Global Metabolomics Discovery for Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (AASKG1) Blood Human Tufts Medical Center raw area counts rescaled to set the median equal to 1
ST000046 AN000076 Identification of altered metabolic pathways in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and cognitively normals using Metabolomics (plasma) Blood Human Alzheimers disease Mayo Clinic Raw MS Intensities
ST000046 AN000077 Identification of altered metabolic pathways in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and cognitively normals using Metabolomics (plasma) Blood Human Alzheimers disease Mayo Clinic Raw MS Intensities
ST000047 AN000080 Identification of altered metabolic pathways in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and cognitively normals using Metabolomics (CSF) Cerebrospinal fluid Human Alzheimers disease Mayo Clinic Raw MS Intensities
ST000047 AN000081 Identification of altered metabolic pathways in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and cognitively normals using Metabolomics (CSF) Cerebrospinal fluid Human Alzheimers disease Mayo Clinic Raw MS Intensities
ST000047 AN000082 Identification of altered metabolic pathways in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and cognitively normals using Metabolomics (CSF) Cerebrospinal fluid Human Alzheimers disease Mayo Clinic Raw MS Intensities
ST002088 AN003406 Plasma Metabolomic signatures of COPD in a SPIROMICS cohort: A metabolomic severity score for airflow obstructions and emphysema Blood Human COPD National Jewish Health relativeMedian
ST000974 AN001595 GC6-74 matabolomic of TB (Part 1: Plasma) Blood Human Tuberculosis Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology scaled units
ST000975 AN001596 GC6-74 metabolomics of TB vs healthy (Part 2: Serum) Blood Human Tuberculosis Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology scaled units
ST001515 AN002511 A Metabolomic Signature of Glucagon Action in Healthy Individuals with Overweight/Obesity Humans Blood Human Obesity Translational Research Institute- AdventHealth Orlando scaled units
ST001175 AN001950 Multi-omics analysis demonstrates unique mode of action of a potent new antimalarial compound, JPC-3210, against Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University Signal Intensity