Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:3-Dehydrocarnitine)

ST002328 AN003797 Metabolome and transcriptome analysis of oral mucosa of HIV+ patients reveal a role for polyamine metabolic pathway in T cell dysfunction Saliva Human HIV Case Western Reserve University area
ST002328 AN003798 Metabolome and transcriptome analysis of oral mucosa of HIV+ patients reveal a role for polyamine metabolic pathway in T cell dysfunction Saliva Human HIV Case Western Reserve University area
ST003066 AN005022 Heritability of RBC metabolites: baseline correlation of metabolites and markers of RBC health and stability Erythrocytes Human University of Iowa area under curve
ST001153 AN001903 Erythrocyte adenosine A2B receptor-mediated AMPK activation: Counteracting CKD by promoting oxygen delivery Blood Mouse Kidney disease University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston AU
ST000041 AN000063 High PUFA diet in humans Blood Human University of Michigan Counts
ST000105 AN000173 SCOR Metabolomics Blood Human University of Michigan Counts
ST000106 AN000175 IWMS Study 1:Weight comparison of obese and lean patients Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan Counts
ST001402 AN002344 Ontogeny related changes in the pediatric liver metabolome Liver Human Moffitt Cancer Center estimated abundances
ST002016 AN003284 Metabolomics of COVID patients Blood Human COVID-19 University of Virginia intensity
ST001788 AN002900 β-Adrenergic regulation of metabolism in macrophages (part-IV) Macrophages Human Monash University Intensity
ST002775 AN004517 Zebrafish Retina Regeneration Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami Normalized Concentrations
ST001844 AN002987 Identification of unique metabolite networks between Latino and Caucasian patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (part III) Blood Human Fatty liver disease University of California, Davis normalized peak height
ST001844 AN002987 Identification of unique metabolite networks between Latino and Caucasian patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (part III) Liver Human Fatty liver disease University of California, Davis normalized peak height
ST002003 AN003266 A case-control study on plasma metabolomics analysis in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) (Part 4) Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome Columbia University normalized peak height
ST001865 AN003024 Systemic metabolite changes due to Hypoxia Blood Mouse Northwestern University Peak
ST001866 AN003027 Systemic metabolite changes due to PHD inhibition Blood Mouse Northwestern University Peak
ST000011 AN000027 African Metabolomics Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST000016 AN000033 NPM-ALK metabolic regulation Lymphoma cells Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST000040 AN000060 Heatshock response of C. elegans using IROA (I) Worms C. elegans University of Florida Peak area
ST000040 AN000061 Heatshock response of C. elegans using IROA (I) Worms C. elegans University of Florida Peak area
ST000260 AN000413 Analysis of DJ-1 Knockout Mouse Brains Brain Mouse National Institute on Aging Peak area
ST000922 AN001511 Crab Urine Study Urine Crab Georgia Institute of Technology Peak area
ST003279 AN005371 Metabolomic analysis of Axon Regeneration in Xenopus laevis Tectum Eye tissue Frog Eye disease University of Miami Peak area
ST002698 AN004372 Systemic host inflammation induces stage-specific transcriptomic modification and slower maturation in malaria parasites Infected Red Blood Cells Plasmodium berghei Malaria Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity peak height
ST003036 AN004978 Identifying and mathematically modeling the time-course of extracellular metabolic markers associated with resistance to ceftolozane/tazobactam in Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Part 2 Bacterial cells Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacterial infection Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences peak height
ST000352 AN000572 Metabolic profiling reveals biochemical pathways and potential biomarkers associated with the pathogenesis of Krabbe disease Brain Mouse Krabbe disease University at Buffalo Peak height
ST000403 AN000643 Metabolomics-based elucidation of active metabolic pathways in erythrocytes and HSC-derived reticulocytes Cells Human Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Peak height
ST000414 AN000655 Metabolomics-based screening of the Malaria Box reveals both novel and established mechanisms of action Cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Peak height
ST000539 AN000819 Metabolomics-based elucidation of active metabolic pathways in erythrocytes and HSC-derived reticulocytes (part II) Cells Human Monash University Peak height
ST001033 AN001694 Determination of mode of action of anti-malalrial drugs using untargeted metabolomics Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University Peak height
ST001122 AN001847 Identification of urine metabolites in patients with interstitial cystitis using untargeted metabolomics (part II) Urine Human Interstitial cystitis University of California, Davis Peak height
ST001637 AN002675 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain Brain Mouse University of California, Davis Peak height
ST001888 AN003057 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain (Study part II) Brain Mouse University of California, Davis Peak height
ST001928 AN003136 Metabolomics profiles of premenopausal women are different based on O-desmethylangolensin metabotype Urine Human George Mason University Peak height
ST002094 AN003420 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity
ST002094 AN003421 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity
ST002263 AN003696 Intermittent fasting induces rapid hepatocyte proliferation to maintain the hepatostat Liver Mouse Stanford University relative counts
ST000815 AN001291 db/db WT ozone and air exposed mice Lung Mouse Ozone Stress Harvard School of Public Health total ion counts
ST000093 AN000148 Metabolomics Analysis of Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia Scalp Human Alopecia Case Western Reserve University Unspecified
ST002551 AN004200 Metabolomics dataset of CNTF induced axon regeneration in mice post optic nerve crush Eye tissue Mouse Eye disease University of Miami µg/ml