Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:4-Ethyloctanoic acid)

ST001688 AN002756 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism (part-II) Bacterial cells Bacteria Stanford University Counts
ST001671 AN002727 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism Bacterial cells Bacteria Stanford University counts (area)
ST001671 AN002728 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism Bacterial cells Bacteria Stanford University counts (area)
ST001688 AN002757 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism (part-II) Bacterial cells Bacteria Stanford University counts (area)
ST003002 AN004930 The role of gut microbiota in muscle mitochondria function, colon health, and sarcopenia: from clinical to bench (2) Feces Human Sarcopenia The Chinese University of Hong Kong nmol/g
ST001683 AN002748 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Blood Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002748 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Cecum Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002748 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Feces Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002748 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Urine Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)