Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:4-Hydroxymandelonitrile)

ST001062 AN001736 Arabidopsis Nit1 knockout metabolomics Plant Arabidopsis thaliana University of California, Davis Arbitrary units
ST001897 AN003078 A local source of insulin in the eye governed by phagocytosis and starvation Eye tissue Mouse University of Virginia intensity
ST002775 AN004517 Zebrafish Retina Regeneration Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami Normalized Concentrations
ST002467 AN004023 Nano-hijacked myeloid cells potentiate antitumor immunity and radiotherapy for glioblastoma Brain Mouse Cancer Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine Normalized peak area
ST002444 AN003981 Zebrafish Optic Nerve Regeneration Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami normalized peak areas
ST002028 AN003298 Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Stool/HILIC) Feces Human UC Davis normalized peak height
ST000040 AN000060 Heatshock response of C. elegans using IROA (I) Worms C. elegans University of Florida Peak area
ST000291 AN000464 LC-MS Based Approaches to Investigate Metabolomic Differences in the Urine of Young Women after Drinking Cranberry Juice or Apple Juice Urine Human University of Florida Peak area
ST002237 AN003650 Metabolomic analysis of brain cortex from neuronal specific Depdc5 knockout in fed and fasting state Brain Mouse Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Peak area
ST002846 AN004664 Apolipoprotein E suppresses hyperlipidemia-driven hematopoiesis & inflammation by controlling mitochondrial metabolism Macrophages Mouse Hyperlipidemia Northwestern University Peak area
ST002776 AN004519 Zebrafish Optic Nerve Regeneration, Tectum Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami Peak Area
ST002075 AN003382 Profiling of the human intestinal microbiome and bile acids under physiologic conditions using an ingestible sampling device (Part 2) Intestine Human UC Davis peak height
ST001211 AN002017 Metabolomic Markers of Methotrexate Response, In Vitro Cultured cells Human University Of Kansas Peak height
ST001637 AN002675 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain Brain Mouse University of California, Davis Peak height
ST001888 AN003057 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain (Study part II) Brain Mouse University of California, Davis Peak height
ST001815 AN002945 Metabolic Markers of Methotrexate Response in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Blood Human Arthritis University Of Kansas Peak Height Intensity