Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:4-Hydroxyphenyllactic acid)

ST001041 AN001706 Development of a weaned pig model of enterotoxigenic E.coli-induced environmental enteropathy Feces Pig Texas A&M University -
ST002864 AN004696 Metabolic profiling, glucose tracing and glutamine tracing in naive and Enzalutamide-treated 16D prostate cancer cells expressing RFP or MYC Prostate cancer cells Human Cancer University of California, Los Angeles Abundance
ST002865 AN004697 Metabolic profiling, glucose tracing and glutamine tracing in 16D prostate cancer cells treated with vehicle, AR inhibitor Enzalutamide, AR inhibitor Apalutamide, or AR degrader/PROTAC ARCC-4 Prostate cancer cells Human Cancer University of California, Los Angeles Abundance
ST002179 AN003569 Impact of nitisinone on the cerebrospinal fluid metabolome of a murine model of alkaptonuria Cerebrospinal fluid Mouse Genetic disease University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences area
ST002369 AN003864 The impact of acute Colony Stimulating Factor 1 treatment on serum and liver metabolites in fed and fasted mice LIVER Liver Mouse The University of Queensland area
ST000450 AN000706 Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST000465 AN000726 Uniquely Tumor-Selective Englerin A Profoundly Alters Lipid Metabolism in Renal Cell Carcinoma inducing ER-Stress and an Acute Inflammatory Response Kidney Human Cancer University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST000617 AN000946 Validation of the application of targeted metabolomic appraoch in the diagnosis of CFS Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST001639 AN002683 Plasma Metabolomic signatures of COPD in a SPIROMICS cohort Blood Human COPD National Jewish Health AU
ST003199 AN005249 Metabolite profiling in the liver from fasted eIF4ES209A (S209A) mice compared to fasted wild type (WT) mice Liver Mouse Cancer University of Chicago A.U.
ST002380 AN003879 Metabolomic and Cultivation Insights into the Tolerance of the Spacecraft-Associated Acinetobacter Towards Kleenol 30, a Cleanroom Floor Detergent Bacterial cells Acinetobacter california state polytechnic university, pomona counts
ST000404 AN000644 Role of HVCN1 in B cell malignancies Cells Human Cancer University of California, Davis Counts
ST000979 AN001603 Metabolomic profiles in healthy research cats receiving clindamycin with a synbiotic or a placebo: a randomized, controlled trial Feces Cat Antibiotic resistance University of California, Davis Counts
ST000981 AN001607 Metabolomic profiles in healthy research cats receiving clindamycin with a synbiotic or a placebo: a randomized, controlled trial (Part II) Feces Cat Antibiotic resistance University of California, Davis Counts
ST002747 AN004455 Evolutionary genomics identifies host-directed therapeutics to treat intracellular bacterial infections Cultured cells Human CZ Biohub counts, height
ST002747 AN004455 Evolutionary genomics identifies host-directed therapeutics to treat intracellular bacterial infections Cultured cells Rickettsia parkeri CZ Biohub counts, height
ST002555 AN004207 Ethnicity-Specific Differences in Ovarian Cancer Metabolic Signatures Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Fold change over standard
ST002155 AN003530 Longitudinal metabolomic stool dynamics in primary C. difficile infections Feces Human Bacterial infection Brigham Women's Hospital intensity
ST002797 AN004551 Fetal metabolic adaptations to cardiovascular stress in twin-twin transfusion syndrome Amniotic fluid Human Twin-twin transfusion syndrome University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston intensity
ST001834 AN002976 A metabolomics comparison of plant-based meat and grass-fed meat indicates large nutritional differences despite comparable nutrition facts labels Other Duke University Log-transformed deconvoluted spectra
ST003349 AN005488 An integrated LC-MS analysis of the biometric characteristics of different time cohorts of race walkers - targeted Blood Human The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University ng/mL
ST001133 AN001858 Downregulation of CENPF epigenetically remodels prostate cancer cells and alters cellular metabolism Prostate Human Cancer Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Normalized intensity
ST002132 AN003487 Optimization of Imputation Strategies for High-Resolution Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HR GC-MS) Metabolomics Data Blood Baboon Wake Forest School of Medicine Normalized Peak abundances
ST002132 AN003487 Optimization of Imputation Strategies for High-Resolution Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HR GC-MS) Metabolomics Data Liver Baboon Wake Forest School of Medicine Normalized Peak abundances
ST002711 AN004394 Metabolomic analysis of maternal mid-gestation plasma and cord blood: biogenic amines Blood Human Autism Columbia University normalized peak heights
ST002809 AN004568 Role of cilia in mitochondrial function Cultured cells Dog Kidney disease Medical University of South Carolina Normalized/scaled raw area counts
ST002809 AN004568 Role of cilia in mitochondrial function Cultured cells Mouse Kidney disease Medical University of South Carolina Normalized/scaled raw area counts
ST002020 AN003290 TIPs Metabolomics (urine) Urine Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center osmolality normalized scaled imputed
ST001865 AN003025 Systemic metabolite changes due to Hypoxia Blood Mouse Northwestern University Peak
ST001985 AN003236 Profiling Plasmodium falciparum parasites and human red blood cells after treatment with MMV693183 Blood Human Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak Abundance (normalized, blank subtracted, and corrected for baseline noise)
ST001985 AN003236 Profiling Plasmodium falciparum parasites and human red blood cells after treatment with MMV693183 Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak Abundance (normalized, blank subtracted, and corrected for baseline noise)
ST001985 AN003236 Profiling Plasmodium falciparum parasites and human red blood cells after treatment with MMV693183 Cultured cells Human Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak Abundance (normalized, blank subtracted, and corrected for baseline noise)
ST001985 AN003236 Profiling Plasmodium falciparum parasites and human red blood cells after treatment with MMV693183 Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak Abundance (normalized, blank subtracted, and corrected for baseline noise)
ST002024 AN003294 Plasmodium falciparum stable-isotope carbon labeling to explore metabolic consequences of keto–acid dehydrogenase disruption Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak Abundance (normalized, blank subtracted, and corrected for baseline noise)
ST001780 AN002890 Comparative analysis of metabolomic profiles in cerebrospinal fluid before and after endurance exercise Cerebrospinal fluid Human UCSD School of Medicine peak area
ST001789 AN002901 Acute metabolomic changes of plasma in response to endurance exercise Blood Human University of California, San Diego peak area
ST002007 AN003270 Isotope tracing analysis of stress erythroid progenitors Cultured cells Mouse Inflammation Pennsylvania State University peak area
ST002184 AN003577 Metabolic effect of the loss of mitochondrial-specific aspartyl-tRNA synthetase Das2 on mouse intestinal epithelial cells Intestine Mouse CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002205 AN003608 Effect of Hira loss in the metabolic landscape of Fh1-deficient cells Cultured cells Mouse Cancer CECAD Research Center, University Hospital Cologne peak area
ST002218 AN003627 Effect of Hira loss in the metabolic landscape of Fh1-deficient cells Part 2 Cultured cells Mouse Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002221 AN003630 Glutaminolysis contribution to the carbon backbone of aspartate through ATP Citrate Lyase (ACLY) in ccRCC Cultured cells Human Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002222 AN003631 Glutaminolysis contribution to the carbon backbone of aspartate and glutamate in ccRCC Cultured cells Human Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002223 AN003632 Metabolic profiling of mouse tissues and tissue interstitial fluids Heart Mouse Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002223 AN003632 Metabolic profiling of mouse tissues and tissue interstitial fluids Kidney Mouse Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002223 AN003632 Metabolic profiling of mouse tissues and tissue interstitial fluids Liver Mouse Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002223 AN003632 Metabolic profiling of mouse tissues and tissue interstitial fluids Lung Mouse Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002224 AN003633 Intracellular metabolic profile of renal cells cultured in Plasmax Cultured cells Human Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002225 AN003634 Time sensitive contribution of the BCAA catabolism to the TCA cycle carbons in HK2, 786-O, OS-RC-2 and RFX-631 Cultured cells Human Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002226 AN003635 Exometabolomics of HK2, 786-O cells cultured in Plasmax media Cultured cells Human Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002242 AN003660 Hypoxia promotes osteogenesis via regulating the acetyl-CoA-mediated mito-nuclear communication. Cultured cells Mouse CECAD Research Center peak area
ST001047 AN001711 1H-NMR urinary metabolomic profiling for diagnosis of gastric cancer (part II) Urine Human Cancer University of Alberta Peak area
ST001157 AN001915 The gut microbiota plays a central role to modulate the plasma metabolome in response to chronic Angiotensin II infusion (part-I) Blood Mouse Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Peak area
ST001158 AN001916 The gut microbiota plays a central role to modulate the plasma metabolome in response to chronic Angiotensin II infusion (part-II) Feces Mouse Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Peak area
ST001218 AN002031 Wild type versus TRACK Mice on regular chow and Vitamin A deprived diet Kidney Mouse Cancer weill cornell medicine Peak area
ST001279 AN002120 K13 mutations driving artemisinin resistance rewrite Plasmodium falciparum’s programmed intra-erythrocytic development and transform mitochondrial physiology Parasite Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Penn State Peak area
ST001384 AN002309 Plasmodium falciparum increased time in circulation underlies persistent asymptomatic infection in the dry season Blood Human Malaria Penn State Peak area
ST001606 AN002639 Aromatic amino acid metabolism by the anaerobic gut bacterium Clostridium sporogenes Blood Mouse Stanford University Peak area
ST001606 AN002639 Aromatic amino acid metabolism by the anaerobic gut bacterium Clostridium sporogenes Feces Mouse Stanford University Peak area
ST001606 AN002639 Aromatic amino acid metabolism by the anaerobic gut bacterium Clostridium sporogenes Intestine Mouse Stanford University Peak area
ST001606 AN002639 Aromatic amino acid metabolism by the anaerobic gut bacterium Clostridium sporogenes Urine Mouse Stanford University Peak area
ST001650 AN002696 Changes to gut microbiota metabolism based on Clostridium difficile-induced inflammation Feces Mouse Infection Stanford University Peak area
ST002492 AN004083 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Plants Northeastern University Peak area
ST002909 AN004777 Plasma metabolomics reveals distinct biological and diagnostic signatures for melioidosis Blood Human Melioidosis University of Washington Peak Area
ST002984 AN004903 Amino acid catabolite markers for early prognostication of pneumonia in patients with COVID-19 Blood Human COVID-19 Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University Peak area/Internal Standard
ST002296 AN003750 Comprehensive biotransformation analysis of phenylalanine-tyrosine metabolism reveals alternative routes of metabolite clearance in nitisinone-treated alkaptonuria (Serum metabolomic analysis) Blood Human Alkaptonuria University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences peak area (pareto-scaled, log2-transformed)
ST002297 AN003752 Comprehensive biotransformation analysis of phenylalanine-tyrosine metabolism reveals alternative routes of metabolite clearance in nitisinone-treated alkaptonuria (Urine metabolomic analysis) Urine Human Alkaptonuria University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences peak area (pareto-scaled, log2-transformed, 24h creatinine normalised)
ST001637 AN002676 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain Brain Mouse University of California, Davis Peak height
ST001637 AN002679 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain Brain Mouse University of California, Davis Peak height
ST001888 AN003058 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain (Study part II) Brain Mouse University of California, Davis Peak height
ST001888 AN003061 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain (Study part II) Brain Mouse University of California, Davis Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Bacteroides fragilis Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Bacteroides uniformis Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Blautia producta Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium clostridioforme Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium hathewayi Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium hylemonae Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium scindens Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium symbiosum Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Enterococcus faecalis Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Enterococcus faecium Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Enterococcus hirae Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Escherichia fergusonii Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Flavonifractor plautii Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Parabacteroides distasonis Stanford University Peak height
ST003356 AN005498 Noninvasive multiomic measurement of cell type repertoires in human urine Urine Human Urinary tract infection CZ Biohub Peak height
ST002407 AN003924 Spatial, temporal, and inter-subject variation of the metabolome along the human upper intestinal tract Intestine Human UC Davis Peak Height
ST001794 AN002912 Metabolomics Analysis of Time-Series Gastrointestinal Lumen Samples Intestine Human University of California, Davis Peak Height Intensity
ST001949 AN003173 Plasma Metabolome Normalization in Rheumatoid Arthritis following initiation of Methotrexate and the Identification of Metabolic Biomarkers of Efficacy Blood Human Rheumatoid arthritis University of Kansas Peak Height Intensity
ST001322 AN002198 Maternal adiposity alters the human milk metabolome: a link between non-glucose monosaccharides and infant adiposity Breast Human Obesity University of California, Davis Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST001495 AN002478 Effects of Synbiotic Administration on Fecal Microbiome and Metabolomic Profiles of Dogs receiving Antibiotics Feces Dog University of California, Davis Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST001702 AN002773 A cross-sectional study of functional and metabolic changes during aging through the lifespan in male mice (Heart) part-IV Heart Mouse National Institutes of Health Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST001703 AN002774 A cross-sectional study of functional and metabolic changes during aging through the lifespan in male mice (Brain) part-V Brain Mouse National Institutes of Health Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST002556 AN004211 Blood metabolomics and impacted cellular mechanisms during transition into lactation in dairy cows that develop metritis Blood Cow Infection University of Florida peak heights
ST002556 AN004211 Blood metabolomics and impacted cellular mechanisms during transition into lactation in dairy cows that develop metritis Blood Cow Inflammation University of Florida peak heights
ST002994 AN004918 Integrating uterine metabolome and microbiome data to advance the understanding of metritis development in dairy cows Uterine fluid Cow Bacterial infection University of Florida peak heights
ST002801 AN004557 Investigation of metabolism in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Heart Mouse Heart disease University of California, San Francisco Peak Heights normalized by mTIC
ST002493 AN004087 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Plants Massachusetts Institute of Technology peak intensity
ST000356 AN000582 GC/MS and LC/MS metabolomics profiling for breast cancer serum data and control serum data Blood Human Cancer University of Hawaii Cancer Center Peak intensity
ST001827 AN002963 The pregnancy metabolome from a multi-ethnic pregnancy cohort Blood Human Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai pmoles/l
ST001008 AN001650 Multi-Platform Physiologic and Metabolic Phenotyping Reveals Microbial Toxicity (part II) Intestine Mouse Pennsylvania State University ppm
ST001299 AN002163 Metatranscriptomic Analysis of the Mouse Gut Microbiome Response to the Persistent Organic Pollutant 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran Intestine Mouse The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) ppm
ST001835 AN002977 Use of Integrated Metabolomics, Transcriptomics, and Signal Protein Profile to Characterize the Effector Function and Associated Metabotype of Polarized Macrophage Phenotypes Blood Human Idaho Veterans Research and Education Foundation raw area count
ST002818 AN004588 Evaluation of Novel Candidate Filtration Markers from a Global Metabolomics Discovery for Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (ALTOLD) Blood Human Tufts Medical Center raw area counts rescaled to set the median equal to 1
ST002094 AN003420 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity
ST002094 AN003422 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity
ST002082 AN003398 Predicting dying: a study of the metabolic changes and the dying process in patients with lung cancer Urine Human Cancer University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences raw peak area
ST002263 AN003697 Intermittent fasting induces rapid hepatocyte proliferation to maintain the hepatostat Liver Mouse Stanford University relative counts
ST002512 AN004137 Gnotobiotic mice: Metabolites in intestinal contents of germ-free mice colonized with strains of gut bacterium Eggerthella lenta Intestine Mouse University of California, San Francisco relative ion counts
ST001869 AN003031 WNK463 Inhibition on Right Ventricular metabolomics Heart Rat Hypertension University of Minnesota relative value
ST001870 AN003032 Effects of GP130 Antagonism on Right Ventricular Metabolism in Monocrotaline Rats Heart Rat University of Minnesota relative value
ST002019 AN003289 TIPs Metabolomics (blood) Blood Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center scaled imputed
ST001515 AN002513 A Metabolomic Signature of Glucagon Action in Healthy Individuals with Overweight/Obesity Humans Blood Human Obesity Translational Research Institute- AdventHealth Orlando scaled units
ST002082 AN003396 Predicting dying: a study of the metabolic changes and the dying process in patients with lung cancer Urine Human Cancer University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences Values are raw peak area