Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:6-Keto-PGF1alpha)

ST001680 AN002740 Metabolome of NAFLD in high fat diet mouse model Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease Weill Cornell Medicine Abundance
ST002760 AN004483 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Kidney outer medulla) Kidney outer medulla Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002760 AN004484 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Kidney outer medulla) Kidney outer medulla Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002283 AN003728 The “ForensOMICS” approach to forensic post-mortem interval estimation: combining metabolomics, lipidomics and proteomics for the analysis human skeletal remains Bone Human University of Central Lancashire Area integration
ST001143 AN001883 Microbial depletion and ozone exposure - Lung tissue (part I) Lung Mouse Asthma Harvard School of Public Health Area under curve
ST001856 AN003009 The metabolomic resetting effect of FG4592 in AKI to CKD transition-day 21 (Part 2) Kidney Mouse Kidney disease Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University AUC
ST002455 AN004005 Organism-Wide Analysis of Sepsis Reveals Mechanisms of Systemic Inflammation Blood Mouse Sepsis University of Chicago intensity
ST002354 AN003843 Combination of TP-252 and Naproxen elicit tumor protective Eicosanoid changes. Blood Rat Cancer UConn Health ng/g tissue
ST002354 AN003843 Combination of TP-252 and Naproxen elicit tumor protective Eicosanoid changes. Colon Rat Cancer UConn Health ng/g tissue
ST003244 AN005314 Suppression of prostaglandin I2–type I interferon axis induces extramedullary hematopoiesis to promote cardiac repair after myocardial infarction Spleen Mouse Heart disease Tianjin Medical University ng/mg of tissue
ST000096 AN000152 A study of changes in lipid metabolism of ovarian cancer cells co-cultured with adipocytes: UPLC-QTRAP MS analysis Cultured cells Human Cancer University of California, Davis nM
ST000253 AN000400 NIH WCMC Pilot & Feasibility Project: ?Metabolomics of Neonatal Pulmonary Hypertension? Blood Rat USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center nM
ST000253 AN000400 NIH WCMC Pilot & Feasibility Project: ?Metabolomics of Neonatal Pulmonary Hypertension? Lung Rat USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center nM
ST000253 AN000401 NIH WCMC Pilot & Feasibility Project: ?Metabolomics of Neonatal Pulmonary Hypertension? Blood Rat USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center nM
ST000253 AN000401 NIH WCMC Pilot & Feasibility Project: ?Metabolomics of Neonatal Pulmonary Hypertension? Lung Rat USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center nM
ST000255 AN000403 NIH WCMC Pilot & Feasibility Project: ?Metabolomics of Neonatal Pulmonary Hypertension? in human Umbilical cord plasma Human Lung disease University of California, Davis nM
ST000257 AN000406 NIH WCMC Pilot & Feasibility Project: ?Metabolite changes associated with weight loss? Adipose tissue Mouse University of California, Davis nM
ST000257 AN000406 NIH WCMC Pilot & Feasibility Project: ?Metabolite changes associated with weight loss? Blood Mouse University of California, Davis nM
ST000257 AN000406 NIH WCMC Pilot & Feasibility Project: ?Metabolite changes associated with weight loss? Brain Mouse University of California, Davis nM
ST000257 AN000406 NIH WCMC Pilot & Feasibility Project: ?Metabolite changes associated with weight loss? Liver Mouse University of California, Davis nM
ST000257 AN000406 NIH WCMC Pilot & Feasibility Project: ?Metabolite changes associated with weight loss? Muscle Mouse University of California, Davis nM
ST000802 AN001274 Insights into myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) phenotypes through comprehensive metabolomics (part III)) Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, Davis nM
ST000843 AN001364 Statin Immuno-Metabolomics in Asthma (part I) Lung Rhesus monkey Asthma USDA nM
ST000844 AN001366 Statin Immuno-Metabolomics in Asthma (part II) Blood Rhesus monkey Asthma USDA nM
ST000846 AN001369 Statin Immuno-Metabolomics in Asthma (part IV) Lung Rhesus monkey Asthma USDA nM
ST000873 AN001478 Maternal Hypoxemia and oxidative stress in the fetus, newborn, and adult. exercise training for peripheral artery disease (part II) Adipose tissue Sheep Oxidative stress USDA nM
ST000873 AN001478 Maternal Hypoxemia and oxidative stress in the fetus, newborn, and adult. exercise training for peripheral artery disease (part II) Arteries Sheep Oxidative stress USDA nM
ST000916 AN001491 Biomarkers of NAFLD progression: a lipidomics approach to an epidemic. Part 2:Plasma Blood Human Fatty liver disease LIPID MAPS nM
ST001154 AN001946 A comprehensive plasma metabolomics dataset for a cohort of mouse knockouts within the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium Blood Mouse University of California nM
ST001245 AN002069 Luteal lipids regulate progesterone production and may modulate immune cell function during the estrous cycle and pregnancy Corpus Luteum Cow University of California, Davis nM
ST001845 AN002988 Identification of unique metabolite networks between Latino and Caucasian patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (part IV) Blood Human Fatty liver disease University of California, Davis nM
ST002001 AN003264 A case-control study on plasma metabolomics analysis in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) (Part 2) Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome Columbia University nM
ST002767 AN004503 Metabolomic analysis of maternal mid-gestation plasma and cord blood: oxylipins Blood Human Autism Columbia University nM
ST002800 AN004556 Hepatic oxylipin profiles in mouse models of Wilson disease: new insights into early hepatic manifestations. Liver Mouse Wilson disease University of California, Davis nM
ST000148 AN000235 A549 13C-labeled Cell Study Epithelial cells Human Cancer University of Kentucky normalized corrected peak area
ST002809 AN004567 Role of cilia in mitochondrial function Cultured cells Dog Kidney disease Medical University of South Carolina Normalized/scaled raw area counts
ST002809 AN004567 Role of cilia in mitochondrial function Cultured cells Mouse Kidney disease Medical University of South Carolina Normalized/scaled raw area counts
ST000142 AN000225 H1299 13C-labeled Cell Study Lung Human Cancer University of Kentucky Peak area
ST000335 AN000541 Metabolomics of bovine uterine fluid at the onset of conceptus elongation Uterus Cow University of Florida Peak area
ST001206 AN002008 Effects of cold exposure on serum lipidomic in mice Blood Mouse Joslin Diabetes Center - Harvard Medical School Peak area
ST001207 AN002009 Lipidomics in the serum of cold exposed mice treated with 12-LOX inhibitor LOXBlock-1 Blood Mouse Joslin Diabetes Center - Harvard Medical School Peak area
ST001213 AN002024 Serum lipidomic profile of cold-exposed Ucp1cre/12-LOX KO mice Blood Mouse Joslin Diabetes Center - Harvard Medical School Peak area
ST001214 AN002025 Lipidommics in the serum of human subjects Blood Human Joslin Diabetes Center - Harvard Medical School Peak area
ST001215 AN002026 Effect of Mirabegron Treatment on serum lipidome Blood Human Joslin Diabetes Center - Harvard Medical School Peak area
ST003394 AN005568 Fatty acid oxygenated metabolites analysis of colon in Pla2g10 knockout mice. Colon Mouse Obesity University of Tokyo Peak area/mg of wet tissue
ST002066 AN003366 Glutaminase inhibition impairs CD8 T cell activation in STK11/Lkb1 deficient lung cancer Lung Mouse Cancer The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research peak height
ST000902 AN001468 Omega-6 and omega-3 oxylipins are implicated in soybean oil-induced obesity in mice - Liver (part VI) Liver Mouse Obesity University of California, Davis pM
ST000594 AN000910 PGD2 and other lipid mediator changes in mouse adipose associated with administration of an oral inhibitor of H-PGDS (HQL-79) (part II) Adipose tissue Mouse Obesity USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center pmol/g
ST000598 AN000916 Dysfunctional lipid metabolism underlies the effect of the perinatal DDT exposure on the development of metabolic syndrome (part II) Brain Mouse Metabolic syndrome USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center pmol/g
ST000659 AN001006 Changes in metabolites and lipid mediators associated with supervised exercise training for peripheral Blood Human Peripheral artery disease USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center pmol/g
ST000915 AN001485 Biomarkers of NAFLD progression: a lipidomics approach to an epidemic. Part 2:Liver Liver Human Fatty liver disease LIPID MAPS pmol/mg
ST001229 AN002042 Aquamin and Prevention of Colon Cancer (part-V) Feces Human Cancer University of Michigan pmol/mg
ST001252 AN002078 Eicosanoid profiles of dermal fibroblasts Fibroblast cells Mouse University of South Florida, Tampa pmol of lipid
ST001254 AN002083 Eicosanoid profiles of dermal fibroblasts (part-II) Fibroblast cells Mouse University of South Florida, Tampa pmol of lipid
ST002094 AN003422 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity
ST003132 AN005141 Untargeted Metabolomics on Mouse colonic mucosa Colonic mucosa Mouse University College Cork Raw Peak Area
ST002438 AN003974 Ozone alters glycosphingolipid metabolism and exacerbates characteristics of asthma in mice Lung Mouse Asthma University of California, Davis Relative abundance
ST000815 AN001292 db/db WT ozone and air exposed mice Lung Mouse Ozone Stress Harvard School of Public Health total ion counts