Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Aspartame)

ST002405 AN003919 Stool global metabolite levels in peanut allergy (Part 2) Feces Human Peanut allergy Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Absolute Intensity
ST000972 AN001593 High Resolution GC-MS Metabolomics of Non-Human Primate Serum Blood Baboon Wake Forest School of Medicine Arbitrary units
ST002328 AN003797 Metabolome and transcriptome analysis of oral mucosa of HIV+ patients reveal a role for polyamine metabolic pathway in T cell dysfunction Saliva Human HIV Case Western Reserve University area
ST002328 AN003798 Metabolome and transcriptome analysis of oral mucosa of HIV+ patients reveal a role for polyamine metabolic pathway in T cell dysfunction Saliva Human HIV Case Western Reserve University area
ST003327 AN005451 Control Of Major Bleeding After Trauma (COMBAT) Clinical Research Trial Metabolomics Blood Human Trauma University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus area under curve
ST003084 AN005042 Metabolic changes in embryonic CSF (Part 6) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003084 AN005043 Metabolic changes in embryonic CSF (Part 6) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003085 AN005044 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 7) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003085 AN005045 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 7) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003086 AN005046 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 8) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003086 AN005047 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 8) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003087 AN005048 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 9) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003087 AN005049 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 9) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003088 AN005050 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 10) Blood Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003088 AN005050 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 10) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003088 AN005050 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 10) Liver Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003088 AN005051 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 10) Blood Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003088 AN005051 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 10) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003088 AN005051 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 10) Liver Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003089 AN005052 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 11) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST002211 AN003615 Effects of Medwakh Smoking on Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Among Youth in UAE using Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry Saliva Human Oxidative stress Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002248 AN003674 Quantitative multi-Omics analysis of paclitaxel-loaded Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles for identification of potential biomarkers for head and neck cancer Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Sharjah AU
ST002250 AN003676 Ramadan diurnal intermittent fasting is associated with significant plasma metabolomics changes in overweight and obese subjects: A prospective cohort study Blood Human Obesity University of Sharjah AU
ST002301 AN003757 Serum metabolomics profiling identifies new predictive biomarkers for disease severity in COVID-19 patients Blood Human COVID-19 Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002416 AN003937 Proteomics and metabolomics of multiple sclerosis (Part 2) Brain Mouse Multiple sclerosis Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002447 AN003988 Bioactive molecule(s) of gut bacteria of Crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) as potential pharmaceuticals Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacterial infection Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002553 AN004204 Exploring the Impact of Oral Arabic Gum Consumption on Sphingolipid Metabolism and human metabolites in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Mass Spectrometry Analysis Blood Human Chronic kidney disease Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002697 AN004371 Employing Hindlimb Unloading Model for The Identification of Serum Biomarkers Associated with Cardiovascular and Skeletal Muscle Deconditioning. Blood Mouse Musculoskeletal system disease Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002703 AN004383 Multi-Omics Analysis Revealed a Significant Molecular Changes in Doxorubicin-Resistant Lung Cancer Cells. Lung Human Cancer University of Sharjah AU
ST002703 AN004383 Multi-Omics Analysis Revealed a Significant Molecular Changes in Doxorubicin-Resistant Lung Cancer Cells. Lung Human Lung disease University of Sharjah AU
ST002730 AN004427 Multi-Omics profiling of Candida albicans from agar plate and suspension media Yeast cells Candida albicans University of Sharjah AU
ST002975 AN004885 Metabolomics Insights into Doxorubicin and 5-Fluorouracil Combination Therapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: A Xenograft Model Study (Part 1) Blood Mouse Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002976 AN004886 Metabolomics Insights into Doxorubicin and 5-Fluorouracil Combination Therapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: A Xenograft Model Study (Part 2) Blood Mouse Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST003029 AN004966 Estrogen-mediated inhibition of purine metabolism and cell cycle arrest as a novel therapeutic approach in colorectal cancer cells Colorectal Cancer Cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST003039 AN004986 A Non-Targeted Metabolomics Comparative Study on Plasma of Pfizer and Sinopharm COVID- 19 Vaccinated individuals, Assessed by (TIMS-QTOF) Mass Spectrometry. Blood Human COVID-19 Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST003201 AN005251 Molecular signatures of xenograft colon cancer models treated with topotecan: A Mass Spectrometry-Based Study Blood Mouse Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST001856 AN003008 The metabolomic resetting effect of FG4592 in AKI to CKD transition-day 21 (Part 2) Kidney Mouse Kidney disease Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University AUC
ST003028 AN004965 Chronic stress dampens Lactobacillus johnsonii-mediated tumor suppression to enhance colorectal cancer progression Colon Mouse Cancer China Pharmaceutical University count per second (cps)
ST003343 AN005478 Proteomic and metabolomic profiling of methicillin resistant versus methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus using a simultaneous extraction protocol Bacterial cells Staphylococcus aureus Bacterial infection Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Science intensity
ST003172 AN005206 Untargeted Metabolomic Profile Of Chili Pepper (Capsicum Chinensed) Developmental Cycle Capsicum Chinense Plant University of Alberta peak area
ST000291 AN000464 LC-MS Based Approaches to Investigate Metabolomic Differences in the Urine of Young Women after Drinking Cranberry Juice or Apple Juice Urine Human University of Florida Peak area
ST000311 AN000494 TC and B6 untreated plasma in lupus-prone mice Blood Mouse Lupus University of Florida Peak area
ST000311 AN000495 TC and B6 untreated plasma in lupus-prone mice Blood Mouse Lupus University of Florida Peak area
ST002505 AN004126 A Mammalian Conserved Circular RNA CircLARP2 Regulates Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis and Lipid Metabolism (Part 1) Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Science and Technology of China Peak area
ST003333 AN005460 Urine Metabolite Profiling in Indian Male Population at High Altitude using Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry: A Longitudinal Pilot Study Urine Human Environmental exposure; Hypoxia Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sceinces Peak area
ST000311 AN000496 TC and B6 untreated plasma in lupus-prone mice Blood Mouse Lupus University of Florida Peak height
ST000311 AN000497 TC and B6 untreated plasma in lupus-prone mice Blood Mouse Lupus University of Florida Peak height
ST001309 AN002178 Metabolite expression in liver after early life exposure to an endocrine disruptor at 240 days postnatal (part-I) Liver Rat Environmental exposure Baylor College of Medicine Peak intensity
ST002281 AN003726 Metabolite patterns between isogenic normal hiPSCs and Trisomy hiPSC iPSC cells Human Down syndrome Guangdong provincial people's hospital pmoles/l
ST002094 AN003420 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity
ST001955 AN003181 Metabonomics analysis reveals the physiological mechanism of promoting maize shoots growth under negative pressure to stabilize soil water content Leaves Maize Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University µg/100ml