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List of Studies ( Metabolite:BMP 18:2_22:6)

ST002911 AN004780 LiLA: Lipid Lung-based ATLAS built Through a Comprehensive Workflow Designed for an Accurate Lipid Annotation Lung Mouse Tuberculosis Universidad CEU San Pablo AREA
ST002911 AN004781 LiLA: Lipid Lung-based ATLAS built Through a Comprehensive Workflow Designed for an Accurate Lipid Annotation Lung Mouse Tuberculosis Universidad CEU San Pablo AREA
ST002101 AN003434 Functional metabolomics-based molecular profiling of acute and chronic hepatitis (Liver Lipidomics) Liver Mouse NASH Shanghai Center for Systems Biomedicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University counts
ST002195 AN003594 Untargeted lipidomics studies in the course of dermatitis onset and progression Skin Mouse Dermatitis Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Keio University CPM/mg
ST003222 AN005283 A small molecule macrophage migration inhibitory factor agonist ameliorates age-related myocardial intolerance to ischemia-reperfusion insults via metabolic regulation - Part 1 Heart Mouse Ischemia University of Mississippi Medical Center lipid content in the sample (nmol/g)
ST003243 AN005313 Lipidomic analysis of serum from WT, liver-specific Gclc KO, liver-specific Nrf2 KO, and liver-specific Gclc-Nrf2 DKO mice. Blood Mouse Oxidative stress University of Rochester Medical Center Normalized to the median value of total lipid signals
ST003243 AN005313 Lipidomic analysis of serum from WT, liver-specific Gclc KO, liver-specific Nrf2 KO, and liver-specific Gclc-Nrf2 DKO mice. Blood Mouse Stress University of Rochester Medical Center Normalized to the median value of total lipid signals
ST003038 AN004984 Untargeted lipidomics of WT and Cyp2c44(-/-) mice liver. Liver Mouse Diabetes Vanderbilt University Medical Center peakarea
ST003248 AN005320 Effects of acute mitoregulin loss on cardiac mitochondrial lipids in mice Mitochondria Mouse Cardiovascular disease University of Iowa pmol lipid per mg tissue
ST003528 AN005795 Lipidomics profiling of livers from Alb-Cre +/- SART-/- (KO) versus age matched wild type WT mouse littermates to characterize progression to hepatic steatosis and hepatocellular carcinoma Liver Mouse Cancer University of Utah pmol per mg tissue
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Blood Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Epididymal fat Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Liver Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Muscle Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Ventricles Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST003472 AN005707 An Optimized Plasmalogen Dietary Supplement Remodels the Cardiac Lipidome and Proteome, Providing Greater Protection in a Male Mouse Model of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Over Females Blood Mouse Heart disease Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per umol PC (ventricle) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST003472 AN005707 An Optimized Plasmalogen Dietary Supplement Remodels the Cardiac Lipidome and Proteome, Providing Greater Protection in a Male Mouse Model of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Over Females Heart Mouse Heart disease Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per umol PC (ventricle) pmol per ml (plasma)