Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:CAR 23:0)

ST003222 AN005283 A small molecule macrophage migration inhibitory factor agonist ameliorates age-related myocardial intolerance to ischemia-reperfusion insults via metabolic regulation - Part 1 Heart Mouse Ischemia University of Mississippi Medical Center lipid content in the sample (nmol/g)
ST003241 AN005309 Lipidomic analysis of lung from Gclc WT and whole-body Gclc KO mice. Lung Mouse Oxidative stress University of Rochester Medical Center Normalized to the median value of total lipid signals
ST003241 AN005309 Lipidomic analysis of lung from Gclc WT and whole-body Gclc KO mice. Lung Mouse Stress University of Rochester Medical Center Normalized to the median value of total lipid signals