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List of Studies ( Metabolite:CE 12:0)

Study_idAnalysis_idStudy_titleSourceSpeciesDiseaseInstituteAnalysis Type
ST003630 AN005963 Individual glycemic responses to carbohydrates vary and reflect underlying metabolic physiology (Lipidomics) Blood Human Cardiovascular disease Stanford University LC-MS
ST002937 AN004822 Deep Metabolic Phenotyping of Newborn Cord Blood Reveals Maternal-Fetal Interactions and Disease Risk Blood Human Stanford University LC-MS
ST002180 AN003571 Global, distinctive and personal changes in molecular and microbial profiles induced by specific fibers in humans (Targeted) Blood Human Stanford University LC-MS
ST002094 AN003420 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic LC-MS
ST002091 AN003415 Serum lipids are associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a pilot case-control study in Mexico Blood Human Fatty liver disease University of California, Los Angeles MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST001490 AN002469 Plasma lipidomic profiles after a low and high glycemic load dietary pattern in a randomized controlled cross over feeding study Blood Human Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center FIA-MS
ST001345 AN002239 C56BL6 WT or IFNARKO BMDM stimulated with different TLRs (part-V) Macrophages Mouse University of California, Los Angeles MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST001344 AN002238 C56BL6 WT or MyD88KO BMDM stimulated with different TLRs (part-IV) Macrophages Mouse University of California, Los Angeles MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST001342 AN002236 Timecourse of C56BL6 BMDM stimulated with different TLRs (part-I) Macrophages Mouse University of California, Los Angeles MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST001341 AN002235 C56BL6 BMDM stimulated with different TLRs W/O acetylated LDL (part-II) Macrophages Mouse University of California, Los Angeles MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST001224 AN002037 Vaginal swab lipidome profiles at 48 h reflect the fat composition of neonatal diet during first two days postnatal Vaginal epithelium Pig Purdue University LC-MS
ST000445 AN000696 Follicular fluid lipidomics reveals lipid alterations by LH addition during IVF cycles Follicular fluid Human Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo LC-MS
ST000114 AN000192 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C] labeled Glucose medium B-cells Human Cancer University of Kentucky GC-MS/LC-MS