Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Cer 18:1;O2/21:0)

ST001125 AN001850 WT and ΔSPT cultures of B. thetaiotaomicron and B. ovatus grown BHI liquid media (part I) Bacterial cells Bacteroides ovatus Inflammatory bowel disease The Broad Institute,Harvard School of Public Health, Gastrointestinal Unit and Center for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, University of Groningen and University Medical Center Groningen, Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research Inc Abundance
ST001125 AN001850 WT and ΔSPT cultures of B. thetaiotaomicron and B. ovatus grown BHI liquid media (part I) Bacterial cells Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Inflammatory bowel disease The Broad Institute,Harvard School of Public Health, Gastrointestinal Unit and Center for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, University of Groningen and University Medical Center Groningen, Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research Inc Abundance
ST001127 AN001852 Lipid profiling of caecal samples from GF mice colonized with B. thetaiotaomicron WT or the ΔSPT mutants (part III) Intestine Mouse Irritable bowel syndrome The Broad Institute Abundance
ST002911 AN004780 LiLA: Lipid Lung-based ATLAS built Through a Comprehensive Workflow Designed for an Accurate Lipid Annotation Lung Mouse Tuberculosis Universidad CEU San Pablo AREA
ST002911 AN004781 LiLA: Lipid Lung-based ATLAS built Through a Comprehensive Workflow Designed for an Accurate Lipid Annotation Lung Mouse Tuberculosis Universidad CEU San Pablo AREA
ST003341 AN005475 Untargeted Lipidomic Profiling of Canine Cancer Cell Lines Cultured cells Dog Cancer Kojin Therapeutics, Inc. area ratio (analyte peak area / internal class standard peak area)
ST003222 AN005283 A small molecule macrophage migration inhibitory factor agonist ameliorates age-related myocardial intolerance to ischemia-reperfusion insults via metabolic regulation - Part 1 Heart Mouse Ischemia University of Mississippi Medical Center lipid content in the sample (nmol/g)
ST003364 AN005511 Deep lipidomic profiling reveals sex dimorphism of lipid metabolism in fibro-calcific aortic valve disease Aortic valve tissue Human Heart disease Technical University Dresden min
ST001950 AN003174 Lipidome Alterations Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Blood Rat Traumatic brain injury Georgia Institute of Technology Normalized Peak Area
ST003239 AN005305 Lipidomic analysis of adipose from Gclc WT and whole-body Gclc KO mice. Adipose tissue Mouse Oxidative stress University of Rochester Medical Center Normalized to the median value of total lipid signals
ST003241 AN005309 Lipidomic analysis of lung from Gclc WT and whole-body Gclc KO mice. Lung Mouse Oxidative stress; Stress University of Rochester Medical Center Normalized to the median value of total lipid signals
ST003243 AN005313 Lipidomic analysis of serum from WT, liver-specific Gclc KO, liver-specific Nrf2 KO, and liver-specific Gclc-Nrf2 DKO mice. Blood Mouse Oxidative stress; Stress University of Rochester Medical Center Normalized to the median value of total lipid signals
ST002398 AN003905 Lipidomics of Tango2 Deficient and Wildtype Zebrafish Muscle Tissue Muscle Zebrafish Myopathy University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill peak area
ST002652 AN004324 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Heart Powder - Untargeted Lipidomics, Reversed-Phase Positive Heart Rat Georgia Institute of Technology peak area
ST002678 AN004350 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Liver Powder - Untargeted Lipidomics, Reversed-Phase Positive Liver Rat Georgia Institute of Technology peak area
ST001063 AN001740 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice organs Adipose tissue Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001063 AN001740 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice organs Brain Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001063 AN001740 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice organs Liver Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001063 AN001740 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice organs Muscle Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001065 AN001743 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice brain cortex (part-II) Adipose tissue Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001065 AN001743 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice brain cortex (part-II) Brain Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001065 AN001743 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice brain cortex (part-II) Liver Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001065 AN001743 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice brain cortex (part-II) Muscle Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001066 AN001745 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice liver (part-III) Adipose tissue Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001066 AN001745 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice liver (part-III) Brain Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001066 AN001745 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice liver (part-III) Liver Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001066 AN001745 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice liver (part-III) Muscle Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001067 AN001747 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice femoral muscle (part - IV) Adipose tissue Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001067 AN001747 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice femoral muscle (part - IV) Brain Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001067 AN001747 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice femoral muscle (part - IV) Liver Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001067 AN001747 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice femoral muscle (part - IV) Muscle Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST002787 AN004534 Metabolomic analysis of gut metabolites in colorectal cancer patients: correlation with disease development and outcome Feces Human Cancer Wuhan University of Science and Technology Peak Area
ST001637 AN002677 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain Brain Mouse University of California, Davis Peak height
ST001888 AN003059 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain (Study part II) Brain Mouse University of California, Davis Peak height
ST002452 AN004008 Lipidomic analysis of human brain from frontotemporal dementia cases of with GRN and C9orf72 mutations Brain Human Dementia The University of Sydney pmoles/mg protein
ST003290 AN005389 High expression of oleoyl-ACP-hydrolase underpins life-threatening respiratory viral diseases Lung Mouse Viral infection Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity pmol/mg lung tissue
ST001907 AN003104 Training-induced bioenergetic improvement in human skeletal muscle is associated with non-stoichiometric changes in the mitochondrial proteome without reorganisation of respiratory chain content Muscle Human Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg
ST002403 AN003917 Deep multi-omic profiling reveals extensive mitochondrial remodeling driven by glycemia in early diabetic kidney disease (Mitochondria) Mitochondria Rat Kidney disease Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Blood Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Epididymal fat Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Liver Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Muscle Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Ventricles Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)