Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Cholesteryl acetate)

ST001680 AN002738 Metabolome of NAFLD in high fat diet mouse model Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease Weill Cornell Medicine Abundance
ST002797 AN004550 Fetal metabolic adaptations to cardiovascular stress in twin-twin transfusion syndrome Amniotic fluid Human Twin-twin transfusion syndrome University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston intensity
ST003044 AN004994 A High-Fat Eucaloric Diet Induces Reprometabolic Syndrome of Obesity in Normal Weight Women - lipidomics Blood Human Obesity University of Colorado Denver peak area
ST000241 AN000373 Cyclobutene- and cyclobutane-functionalized fatty acids as novel biochemical probes of structure and function in HepG2 cells Cultured cells Human University of Nebraska-Lincoln Peak area
ST002108 AN003448 Genetic and chemical validation of Plasmodium falciparum aminopeptidase PfA-M17 as a drug target in the hemoglobin digestion pathway (Part 3) Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University relative intensity
ST002434 AN003964 Metabolomics analysis of heart from CHCHD10S59L/+ KI mice Heart Mouse ALS INSERM relative units
ST002435 AN003967 Metabolomics analysis of plasma from CHCHD10S59L/+ KI mice Blood Mouse ALS INSERM Relative units
ST001968 AN003208 Analytical methodology for a metabolome atlas of goat’s plasma, milk and feces using 1H-NMR and UHPLC-HRMS:MS/plasma Blood Goat INSERM SI