Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Docosanedioic acid)

ST001639 AN002683 Plasma Metabolomic signatures of COPD in a SPIROMICS cohort Blood Human COPD National Jewish Health AU
ST001775 AN002882 Plasma metabolomics of diverse mouse strains infected with Plasmodium chabaudi Blood Mouse Malaria Stanford University ion counts
ST002119 AN003468 Metabolomics analysis of zebrafish response to CID661578 treatment Larvae Zebrafish Diabetes North Carolina State University ion counts
ST002829 AN004621 Nucleotide, phospholipid, and kynurenine metabolites are robustly associated with COVID-19 severity and time of plasma sample collection in a prospective cohort study Blood Human COVID-19 National Institutes of Health log transformed data
ST003277 AN005367 LC-MS/MS spatial analysis of mouse GI Intestine Mouse Brown University normalized imputed data
ST002498 AN004656 Plasma Metabolomics Profiling of 580 Patients from the Weill Cornell Medicine Early Detection Research Network Prostate Cancer Cohort Blood Human Cancer Weill Cornell Medicine peak area
ST000310 AN000490 TC and B6 untreated plasma in lupus-prone mice lipidomics (part-II) Blood Mouse Lupus University of Florida Peak area
ST001157 AN001915 The gut microbiota plays a central role to modulate the plasma metabolome in response to chronic Angiotensin II infusion (part-I) Blood Mouse Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Peak area
ST001158 AN001916 The gut microbiota plays a central role to modulate the plasma metabolome in response to chronic Angiotensin II infusion (part-II) Feces Mouse Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Peak area
ST001212 AN002046 Fish-oil supplementation in pregnancy, child metabolomics and asthma risk Blood Human Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, University of Copenhagen Peak area
ST001411 AN002361 Plasma metabolites of lipid metabolism associate with diabetic polyneuropathy in a cohort with screen-tested type 2 diabetes: ADDITION-Denmark Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan Peak area
ST001412 AN002362 Metabolomics study in Plasma of Obese Patients with Neuropathy Identifies Potential Metabolomics Signatures Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan Peak area
ST001441 AN002408 Metabolomics of patient-derived fibroblasts Fibroblast cells Human Mitochondrial disease North Carolina State University Peak area
ST003307 AN005419 Untargeted metabolomics of rhizosphere soil from 4-years Panax ginseng that was treated with endo-borneol under field condition Soil Other Yunnan University Peak area
ST002754 AN004470 Metabolomics analysis of maternal obesity model Blood Mouse Fatty liver disease University of Bonn Peak Area
ST002909 AN004777 Plasma metabolomics reveals distinct biological and diagnostic signatures for melioidosis Blood Human Melioidosis University of Washington Peak Area
ST000310 AN000492 TC and B6 untreated plasma in lupus-prone mice lipidomics (part-II) Blood Mouse Lupus University of Florida Peak height
ST000421 AN000664 ms3076 T1D poor glycemic control and control samples Blood Human Diabetes Mayo Clinic Peak intensity
ST000422 AN000669 Type 1 Diabetes good glycemic control and controls samples Blood Human Diabetes Mayo Clinic Peak intensity
ST000445 AN000696 Follicular fluid lipidomics reveals lipid alterations by LH addition during IVF cycles Follicular fluid Human Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo Peak intensity
ST000549 AN000838 Investigating large scale metabolomics in mice serum lacking insulin receptors and IGF-1 receptors Blood Mouse Diabetes Mayo Clinic Peak intensity
ST001827 AN002963 The pregnancy metabolome from a multi-ethnic pregnancy cohort Blood Human Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai pmoles/l
ST001749 AN002850 REACH Metabolomics Study Blood Human Alzheimers disease University of Wisconsin - Madison Raw area counts
ST002819 AN004592 Evaluation of Novel Candidate Filtration Markers from a Global Metabolomics Discovery for Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (MDRD) Blood Human Tufts Medical Center raw area counts rescaled to set the median equal to 1
ST002820 AN004596 Evaluation of Novel Candidate Filtration Markers from a Global Metabolomics Discovery for Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (AASKG1) Blood Human Tufts Medical Center raw area counts rescaled to set the median equal to 1
ST002094 AN003420 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity
ST000047 AN000080 Identification of altered metabolic pathways in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and cognitively normals using Metabolomics (CSF) Cerebrospinal fluid Human Alzheimers disease Mayo Clinic Raw MS Intensities
ST003131 AN005137 Untargeted Metabolomics on mouse caecal contents Cecum Mouse University College Cork Raw Peak Area
ST002837 AN004639 Bacterial tryptophan metabolites increased by prebiotic galactooligosaccharide reduce microglial reactivity and are associated with lower anxiety-like behavior (Blood) Blood Mouse Anxiety National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Relative Abundance
ST003298 AN005405 Annual changes on metabolomics profile in latex Latex Plant Sumitomo Riko Co., Ltd. Relative Area
ST002088 AN003408 Plasma Metabolomic signatures of COPD in a SPIROMICS cohort: A metabolomic severity score for airflow obstructions and emphysema Blood Human COPD National Jewish Health relativeMedian
ST002089 AN003412 Plasma metabolomic signatures of COPD: A metabolomic severity score for airflow obstruction and emphysema. Blood Human COPD National Jewish Health relativeMedian
ST002017 AN003287 Multi-omic analysis of the microbiome and metabolome in healthy subjects (blood) Blood Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center scaled imputed
ST002019 AN003289 TIPs Metabolomics (blood) Blood Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center scaled imputed