Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Ecabet)

ST001955 AN003180 Metabonomics analysis reveals the physiological mechanism of promoting maize shoots growth under negative pressure to stabilize soil water content Leaves Maize Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University µg/100ml
ST000221 AN000330 Normal plasma cells,Low proliferation multiple myeloma and High proliferation multiple myeloma cells Bone marrow Human Cancer Mayo Clinic Peak area
ST000335 AN000541 Metabolomics of bovine uterine fluid at the onset of conceptus elongation Uterus Cow University of Florida Peak area
ST003333 AN005461 Urine Metabolite Profiling in Indian Male Population at High Altitude using Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry: A Longitudinal Pilot Study Urine Human Environmental exposure; Hypoxia Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sceinces Peak area