Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Erythronic acid)

ST000923 AN001514 Longitudinal Metabolomics of the Human Microbiome in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Feces Human Inflammatory bowel disease The Broad Institute Abundance
ST001000 AN001879 Gut microbiome structure and metabolic activity in inflammatory bowel disease Feces Human The Broad Institute Abundance
ST001192 AN001985 A library of human gut bacterial isolates paired with longitudinal multiomics data enables mechanistic microbiome research Feces Human The Broad Institute Abundance
ST003254 AN005336 The impact of grass- and grain-finishing on metabolomic profiles of North American Black Angus Beef cattle. Bovine meat Cow Duke University Arbitrary Units
ST003066 AN005022 Heritability of RBC metabolites: baseline correlation of metabolites and markers of RBC health and stability Erythrocytes Human University of Iowa area under curve
ST001143 AN001884 Microbial depletion and ozone exposure - Lung tissue (part I) Lung Mouse Asthma Harvard School of Public Health Area under curve
ST001144 AN001888 Microbial depletion and ozone exposure - serum (part II) Blood Mouse Asthma Harvard School of Public Health Area under curve
ST001153 AN001903 Erythrocyte adenosine A2B receptor-mediated AMPK activation: Counteracting CKD by promoting oxygen delivery Blood Mouse Kidney disease University of Texas Health Science Center McGovern Medical School AU
ST001639 AN002684 Plasma Metabolomic signatures of COPD in a SPIROMICS cohort Blood Human COPD National Jewish Health AU
ST002380 AN003879 Metabolomic and Cultivation Insights into the Tolerance of the Spacecraft-Associated Acinetobacter Towards Kleenol 30, a Cleanroom Floor Detergent Bacterial cells Acinetobacter california state polytechnic university, pomona counts
ST000381 AN000615 Urinary Metabolites in IC/PBS Diagnosis (part I) Urine Human Interstitial cystitis University of California, Davis Counts
ST000390 AN000626 Metabolomic markers of altered nucleotide metabolism in early stage adenocarcinoma (part I) Lung Human Cancer University of California, Davis Counts
ST000395 AN000632 The circadian oscillator in Synechococcus elongatus controls metabolite partitioning during diurnal growth (part II) Bacterial cells Synechococcus elongatus University of California, Davis Counts
ST000508 AN000777 Metabolic Profiling of Date Palm Fruits Plant Date palm Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar Counts per second
ST000867 AN001395 Metabolic Profiling of Date Palm Fruits (part II) Date palm fruit Date palm Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar Counts per second
ST001402 AN002344 Ontogeny related changes in the pediatric liver metabolome Liver Human Moffitt Cancer Center estimated abundances
ST002555 AN004207 Ethnicity-Specific Differences in Ovarian Cancer Metabolic Signatures Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Fold change over standard
ST002201 AN003604 Multi-omics profiling of 5 Arabidopsis accessions in response to combined water and nitrogen deficiencies. Plant Arabidopsis thaliana Stress INRAE µg/mg FW and arbitrary/mg FW
ST001805 AN002927 Metabolic responses of two pioneer wood decay fungi to diurnally cycling temperature Exidia glandulosa Swansea University Integrated signal (SpectConnect)
ST001805 AN002927 Metabolic responses of two pioneer wood decay fungi to diurnally cycling temperature Mucidula mucida Swansea University Integrated signal (SpectConnect)
ST002155 AN003530 Longitudinal metabolomic stool dynamics in primary C. difficile infections Feces Human Bacterial infection Brigham Women's Hospital intensity
ST002149 AN003519 In vivo commensal control of Clostridioides difficile virulence Cecum Mouse Brigham and Women’s Hospital Intensity
ST001775 AN002882 Plasma metabolomics of diverse mouse strains infected with Plasmodium chabaudi Blood Mouse Malaria Stanford University ion counts
ST002822 AN004602 Effect of ERR Agonist in Mouse Heart Post Pressure Overload Heart Mouse Baylor College of Medicine log transformed data
ST002829 AN004622 Nucleotide, phospholipid, and kynurenine metabolites are robustly associated with COVID-19 severity and time of plasma sample collection in a prospective cohort study Blood Human COVID-19 National Institutes of Health log transformed data
ST001834 AN002976 A metabolomics comparison of plant-based meat and grass-fed meat indicates large nutritional differences despite comparable nutrition facts labels Other Duke University Log-transformed deconvoluted spectra
ST001940 AN003155 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome University of California, Los Angeles Metabolon original scale
ST001940 AN003156 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome University of California, Los Angeles Metabolon original scale
ST001940 AN003157 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome University of California, Los Angeles Metabolon original scale
ST001940 AN003158 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome University of California, Los Angeles Metabolon original scale
ST001690 AN002760 Untargeted metabolomic analysis of human blood samples via qualitative GC-MS for T1D biomarker identification Blood Human Diabetes Duke University minutes
ST002080 AN003394 Effects of Ferroptosis on the Metabolome in Cardiac Cells: The Role of Glutaminolysis Cultured cells Rat Ferroptosis University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine mM
ST002272 AN003714 Metabolic changes in seeds of malting barley produced under drought or elevated temperature Seeds Barley INRAE nmoles/mg DW and arbitrary/mg DW
ST002322 AN003789 Metabolomics study comparing SCAP KO and WT B cells Cultured cells Mouse Indiana University School of Medicine Normalized AUC
ST003277 AN005368 LC-MS/MS spatial analysis of mouse GI Intestine Mouse Brown University normalized imputed data
ST001808 AN002931 Impact of high intensity and moderate exercise on genomic and metabolic remodeling with age in male mice Liver Mouse National Institutes of Health normalized peak height
ST002012 AN003286 Untargeted primary metabolite profiling in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaves Arabidopsis thaliana Salk Institute for Biological Studies normalized peak height
ST002012 AN003286 Untargeted primary metabolite profiling in Arabidopsis thaliana Roots Arabidopsis thaliana Salk Institute for Biological Studies normalized peak height
ST000497 AN000765 M-CMV infected Nicotiana tabacum Plant Tobacco Mosaic virus infection Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine Normalized scale
ST002809 AN004569 Role of cilia in mitochondrial function Cultured cells Dog Kidney disease Medical University of South Carolina Normalized/scaled raw area counts
ST002809 AN004569 Role of cilia in mitochondrial function Cultured cells Mouse Kidney disease Medical University of South Carolina Normalized/scaled raw area counts
ST002020 AN003290 TIPs Metabolomics (urine) Urine Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center osmolality normalized scaled imputed
ST001865 AN003023 Systemic metabolite changes due to Hypoxia Blood Mouse Northwestern University Peak
ST001866 AN003026 Systemic metabolite changes due to PHD inhibition Blood Mouse Northwestern University Peak
ST002498 AN004657 Plasma Metabolomics Profiling of 580 Patients from the Weill Cornell Medicine Early Detection Research Network Prostate Cancer Cohort Blood Human Cancer Weill Cornell Medicine peak area
ST000063 AN000101 Biomarkers for Depression in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid in a Population Sample Cerebrospinal fluid Human University of California, Davis Peak area
ST000260 AN000415 Analysis of DJ-1 Knockout Mouse Brains Brain Mouse National Insitute on Aging Peak area
ST000561 AN000862 Exploring the link between genotype, phenotype and metabolome for tomato seed quality attributes Seeds Tomato Wageningen UR Peak area
ST000561 AN000863 Exploring the link between genotype, phenotype and metabolome for tomato seed quality attributes Seeds Tomato Wageningen UR Peak area
ST001071 AN001753 Guinea Grass Untargeted Metabolomic Profiling Plant Guinea Grass University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Peak area
ST001157 AN001915 The gut microbiota plays a central role to modulate the plasma metabolome in response to chronic Angiotensin II infusion (part-I) Blood Mouse Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Peak area
ST001158 AN001916 The gut microbiota plays a central role to modulate the plasma metabolome in response to chronic Angiotensin II infusion (part-II) Feces Mouse Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Peak area
ST001212 AN002047 Fish-oil supplementation in pregnancy, child metabolomics and asthma risk Blood Human Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, University of Copenhagen Peak area
ST001329 AN002215 SS-31 and NMN: Two Paths to Improve Metabolism and Function in Aged Hearts Heart Mouse University of Washington Peak area
ST001411 AN002361 Plasma metabolites of lipid metabolism associate with diabetic polyneuropathy in a cohort with screen-tested type 2 diabetes: ADDITION-Denmark Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan Peak area
ST001412 AN002362 Metabolomics study in Plasma of Obese Patients with Neuropathy Identifies Potential Metabolomics Signatures Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan Peak area
ST002492 AN004084 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Plants Northeastern University Peak area
ST003178 AN005220 Post-Infectious MECFS at the NIH Cerebrospinal fluid Human Chronic fatigue syndrome National Institutes of Health Peak area
ST002754 AN004471 Metabolomics analysis of maternal obesity model Blood Mouse Fatty liver disease University of Bonn Peak Area
ST002909 AN004778 Plasma metabolomics reveals distinct biological and diagnostic signatures for melioidosis Blood Human Melioidosis University of Washington Peak Area
ST000586 AN000901 Evaluation of specific concentrations for use in experimental protocol Blood Human Duke University Peak area (Log2 transformed)
ST003064 AN005020 Metabolic responses of Amaranthus caudatus roots and leaves to zinc stress Plant Leaves and Roots Plant K.A. Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology RAS, Moscow, Russia peak areas
ST002066 AN003366 Glutaminase inhibition impairs CD8 T cell activation in STK11/Lkb1 deficient lung cancer Lung Mouse Cancer The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research peak height
ST002698 AN004373 Systemic host inflammation induces stage-specific transcriptomic modification and slower maturation in malaria parasites Infected Red Blood Cells Plasmodium berghei Malaria Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity peak height
ST002792 AN004543 Chemoproteomics validates selective targeting of Plasmodium M1 alanyl aminopeptidase as a cross-species strategy to treat malaria Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University peak height
ST003024 AN004959 Identifying and mathematically modeling the time-course of extracellular metabolic markers associated with resistance to ceftolozane/tazobactam in Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Part 1 Bacterial cells Bacteria Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences peak height
ST003144 AN005160 On-target, dual aminopeptidase inhibition provides cross-species antimalarial activity Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University peak height
ST000001 AN000001 Fatb Induction Experiment (FatBIE) Plant Arabidopsis thaliana University of California, Davis Peak height
ST000007 AN000021 Rice Infection Study Plant Rice Bacterial infection University of California, Davis Peak height
ST000013 AN000030 Mutation Study Plant Arabidopsis thaliana University of California, Davis Peak height
ST000352 AN000574 Metabolic profiling reveals biochemical pathways and potential biomarkers associated with the pathogenesis of Krabbe disease Brain Mouse Krabbe disease University at Buffalo Peak height
ST001033 AN001694 Determination of mode of action of anti-malalrial drugs using untargeted metabolomics Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University Peak height
ST003160 AN005185 New class of heterospirocyclic compounds present strong and rapid activity against artemisinin- and multidrug-resistant P. falciparum parasites Plasmodium cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University Peak height
ST003179 AN005222 Property and Activity Refinement of Dihydroquinazolinone-3-carboxamides as Orally Efficacious Antimalarials that Target PfATP4 Plasmodium cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University Peak height
ST001702 AN002773 A cross-sectional study of functional and metabolic changes during aging through the lifespan in male mice (Heart) part-IV Heart Mouse National Institutes of Health Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST001703 AN002774 A cross-sectional study of functional and metabolic changes during aging through the lifespan in male mice (Brain) part-V Brain Mouse National Institutes of Health Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST000422 AN000669 Type 1 Diabetes good glycemic control and controls samples Blood Human Diabetes Mayo Clinic Peak intensity
ST001201 AN001999 Peroxide antimalarial treatment timecourse on trophozoite-stage P. falciparum parasites Cultured cells Human Malaria Monash University Peak intensity
ST001201 AN001999 Peroxide antimalarial treatment timecourse on trophozoite-stage P. falciparum parasites Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University Peak intensity
ST001202 AN002001 Peroxide antimalarial treatment timecourse on ring-stage P. falciparum parasites Cultured cells Human Malaria Monash University Peak intensity
ST001202 AN002001 Peroxide antimalarial treatment timecourse on ring-stage P. falciparum parasites Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University Peak intensity
ST001205 AN002007 Peroxide antimalarial treatment of K13-mutant and -wildtype P. falciparum parasites Cultured cells Human Malaria Monash University Peak intensity
ST001205 AN002007 Peroxide antimalarial treatment of K13-mutant and -wildtype P. falciparum parasites Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University Peak intensity
ST001547 AN002577 β-Adrenergic regulation of metabolism in macrophages Macrophages Human Monash University Peak intensity
ST000349 AN000565 Metabolomic analysis on samples from rats expressing human amylin (hepatic tissue). Liver Rat Diabetes University of North Carolina Peak values (Log transformed)
ST000350 AN000566 Metabolomic analysis on samples from rats expressing human amylin (plasma). Blood Rat Diabetes University of North Carolina Peak values (Log transformed)
ST000894 AN001456 Analysis of the effects of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Sunitinib and Erlotinib on Liver Metabolism In Vivo Liver Mouse Cancer University of North Carolina Peak values (Log transformed)
ST000895 AN001457 Analysis of the effects of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Sunitinib and Erlotinib on Serum Metabolism In Vivo using Non-Targeted Metabolomics Analysis Blood Mouse Cancer University of North Carolina Peak values (Log transformed)
ST000925 AN001518 MuRF1-Related Metabolomic Changes in Stretched and Unloaded HL-1 Cells Cardiomyocyte cells Mouse University of North Carolina Peak values (Log transformed)
ST000451 AN000707 The alpha-1A adrenergic receptor agonist A61603 reduces cardiac polyunsaturated fatty acid-Heart raw data Muscle Mouse University of North Carolina Peak values (scaled)
ST000452 AN000708 The alpha-1A adrenergic receptor agonist A61603 reduces cardiac polyunsaturated fatty acid-Serum raw data Blood Mouse University of North Carolina Peak values (scaled)
ST001745 AN002841 Metabolomic profiling of the rat hippocampus across developmental ages and after learning Brain Rat New York University pmoles/l
ST001827 AN002963 The pregnancy metabolome from a multi-ethnic pregnancy cohort Blood Human Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai pmoles/l
ST001983 AN003234 Metabolomic Fingerprinting of Human High Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma Cell Lines Ovarian cancer cells Human Cancer University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center ratio
ST001835 AN002977 Use of Integrated Metabolomics, Transcriptomics, and Signal Protein Profile to Characterize the Effector Function and Associated Metabotype of Polarized Macrophage Phenotypes Blood Human Idaho Veterans Research and Education Foundation raw area count
ST000899 AN001465 Alterations in Lipid, Amino Acid, and Energy Metabolism Distinguish Crohn Disease from Ulcerative Colitis and Control Subjects by Serum Metabolomic Profiling Blood Human Inflammatory bowel disease Vanderbilt University Medical Center raw area counts
ST001400 AN002342 Identification of distinct metabolic perturbations and associated immunomodulatory events during intra-erythrocytic development stage of pediatric Plasmodium falciparum malaria Blood Human Malaria New York University Abu Dhabi raw area counts
ST001516 AN002517 Identification of distinct metabolic perturbations and associated immunomodulatory events during intra-erythrocytic development stage of pediatric Plasmodium falciparum malaria (part-II) Blood Human Malaria New York University Abu Dhabi raw area counts
ST001517 AN002520 Identification of distinct metabolic perturbations and associated immunomodulatory events during intra-erythrocytic development stage of pediatric Plasmodium falciparum malaria (part-III) Blood Human Malaria New York University Abu Dhabi raw area counts
ST001749 AN002851 REACH Metabolomics Study Blood Human Alzheimers disease University of Wisconsin - Madison Raw area counts
ST002818 AN004589 Evaluation of Novel Candidate Filtration Markers from a Global Metabolomics Discovery for Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (ALTOLD) Blood Human Tufts Medical Center raw area counts rescaled to set the median equal to 1
ST002819 AN004593 Evaluation of Novel Candidate Filtration Markers from a Global Metabolomics Discovery for Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (MDRD) Blood Human Tufts Medical Center raw area counts rescaled to set the median equal to 1
ST002820 AN004597 Evaluation of Novel Candidate Filtration Markers from a Global Metabolomics Discovery for Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (AASKG1) Blood Human Tufts Medical Center raw area counts rescaled to set the median equal to 1
ST002090 AN003414 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 2) Feces Mouse Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity
ST000047 AN000083 Identification of altered metabolic pathways in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and cognitively normals using Metabolomics (CSF) Cerebrospinal fluid Human Alzheimers disease Mayo Clinic Raw MS Intensities
ST003131 AN005138 Untargeted Metabolomics on mouse caecal contents Cecum Mouse University College Cork Raw Peak Area
ST003132 AN005142 Untargeted Metabolomics on Mouse colonic mucosa Colonic mucosa Mouse University College Cork Raw Peak Area
ST002836 AN004636 Bacterial tryptophan metabolites increased by prebiotic galactooligosaccharide reduce microglial reactivity and are associated with lower anxiety-like behavior (Intestine) Intestine Mouse Anxiety National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Relative Abundance
ST002837 AN004640 Bacterial tryptophan metabolites increased by prebiotic galactooligosaccharide reduce microglial reactivity and are associated with lower anxiety-like behavior (Blood) Blood Mouse Anxiety National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Relative Abundance
ST001879 AN003039 Proteomics reveals an increase in the abundance of glycolytic and ethanolic fermentation enzymes in developing sugarcane culms during sucrose accumulation Plant Plants ESALQ-USP relative intensity
ST002108 AN003449 Genetic and chemical validation of Plasmodium falciparum aminopeptidase PfA-M17 as a drug target in the hemoglobin digestion pathway (Part 3) Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University relative intensity
ST002088 AN003409 Plasma Metabolomic signatures of COPD in a SPIROMICS cohort: A metabolomic severity score for airflow obstructions and emphysema Blood Human COPD National Jewish Health relativeMedian
ST002089 AN003413 Plasma metabolomic signatures of COPD: A metabolomic severity score for airflow obstruction and emphysema. Blood Human COPD National Jewish Health relativeMedian
ST001869 AN003031 WNK463 Inhibition on Right Ventricular metabolomics Heart Rat Hypertension University of Minnesota relative value
ST001870 AN003032 Effects of GP130 Antagonism on Right Ventricular Metabolism in Monocrotaline Rats Heart Rat University of Minnesota relative value
ST002017 AN003287 Multi-omic analysis of the microbiome and metabolome in healthy subjects (blood) Blood Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center scaled imputed
ST002018 AN003288 Multi-omic analysis of the microbiome and metabolome in healthy subjects (feces) Feces Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center scaled imputed
ST002019 AN003289 TIPs Metabolomics (blood) Blood Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center scaled imputed
ST000930 AN001524 Define alterations in the gut metabolome of mice infected with C. difficile Intestine Mouse North Carolina State University scaled intensity
ST000974 AN001595 GC6-74 matabolomic of TB (Part 1: Plasma) Blood Human Tuberculosis Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology scaled units
ST000975 AN001596 GC6-74 metabolomics of TB vs healthy (Part 2: Serum) Blood Human Tuberculosis Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology scaled units
ST000976 AN001597 GC6-74 matabolomic of TB (Part 3: Plasma_RPMI) Blood Human Tuberculosis Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology scaled units
ST001515 AN002514 A Metabolomic Signature of Glucagon Action in Healthy Individuals with Overweight/Obesity Humans Blood Human Obesity Translational Research Institute- AdventHealth Orlando scaled units
ST000815 AN001290 db/db WT ozone and air exposed mice Lung Mouse Ozone Stress Harvard School of Public Health total ion counts
ST001669 AN002724 Serum metabolome of Guangzhou Nutrition and Health Study (GNHS) Blood Human Westlake University uM
ST001933 AN003143 Absolute quantification of plasma cytokines and metabolome reveals the glycylproline regulating antibody-fading in convalescent COVID-19 patients Blood Human COVID-19 Hong Kong Baptist University uM
ST002337 AN003819 Guangzhou Nutrition and Health Study (GNHS) Feces Human Westlake University umol/L
ST001519 AN002527 Stool metabolites of known identity profiled using hybrid nontargeted methods (part-I) Feces Human Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard unitless peak areas
ST001521 AN002535 Plasma metabolites of known identity profiled using hybrid nontargeted methods (part-III) Blood Human Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard unitless peak areas
ST000093 AN000147 Metabolomics Analysis of Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia Scalp Human Alopecia Case Western Reserve University Unspecified
ST001253 AN002082 Phenotyping Mouse blood metabolites in day and night in type 2 diabetes Blood Mouse Diabetes Indiana University School of Medicine VolNormImp Area counts
ST003064 AN005019 Metabolic responses of Amaranthus caudatus roots and leaves to zinc stress Plant Leaves and Roots Plant K.A. Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology RAS, Moscow, Russia μmol/g DW